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Dearest reader,
soon i'll be leaving so let me show you my affection towards you as i say i translate my feelings on this page for the last time.first of all thank you for tolerance,love and acceptance.acceptance of my words.
But yeah enough of this philosophical approach towards life..and much of this deeep shit lets talk straight,before i depart with the success of putting your disappointments in a suitcase,as promised i'll drown them on my way to the missisipi river.
Today i had the best coffee,alot of sugar and cream and caramel and all the wonderful flavours.not the ones found in kitchen but instead i found these ingredients in a music store: 'EverLand'
yes the store was just so perfect as perfect as its name sounds!!

You know that feeling when you find your feelings in a song?lyrics muddling up with music just like the mind:words muddling up with the heartbeat.ITS AMAZING;amazing because a)you find comfort b)you dont have to stare at those four walls constantly,but you can look into the mirror proudly with your flaws staring back at you.
I am so thankful to music.for music.and to be music.

before leaving i'd want to say something to everyone whose felt nothing
If you make a mistake you should be proud of yourself.remember,God created you as a human?CONGRATULATIONS,you confirmed it to the world.
Now go on make a plane,build a house in space,invent a translating device for your pets.For humans have been able to be this extraordinary.

Your very special,
Yours honestly truely,

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