
93 24 5

To you-know-im-talking-to-you,

What is friendship?
-nothing but a true magic,a relief that you'd not be alone when you'll be messing up with life.

That is why this is the best day of my life because i've finally realized how lucky i am to get  that silly not-brat by my side.I'd be one those suicidal teens posting about sadness on tumblr if i didnt had her in my life,she know how i'm not angry with her  when im pissing her off with my mood,she  knows she has to lend me her book for as long as i like,she  knows she has to share her latest 'quest' with me,she knows she  has to share her lunch with me everythingand not demanding anything in return.I.AM.SO.GRATEFUL.
and this is why i've come to a conclusion that i might not throw you off a cliff.just a maybe.
watch out cause in return im throwing a biiig rock at your window,i hope i crush your disappointements and not your face.


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