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Dear you,

If all the magic came at once there wouldnt be anything magical again.not ever.
Thats the latest i read and my suggestion to you is that save your books for a later time.a later soon to come,because time is very mysterious and unexpected.just ticks away before our eyes seconds pass and soon before we realize those seconds become hours,days,years.
So yeah maybe i'd want to eat my words,dont save your books for later.because life is so short and there are so many things you'd want to do if your like me.and then write about them.
A write is not a person picking up the pencils or the keyboard as a hobby,a write is someone who'd want you to be the person who listens to her thoughts and feelings all muddled up,but somehow words spoke and landed on the paper.

Another suggestion,write.
write before and when your tongue gives up on speaking because you've decided that no one cares.
write:speak in silence,say it all.without fear of running out of words because you wont.paper is more friendly than your friends.ironically and truthfully.
Write before your words fly up in a haze of mist into the clouds.
write about the light casting the dove's shadow,the dove thats soon going to bleed to death. meaningful.such a pretend.

grab the coffee,this time add alot of sugar to it.the sunshine is melting the snow.after all good always hold on.hold on just a little aim the arrow and shoot it on the destiny you chose.
your on your way somehow.dont stress.

Write and survive,
Yours.With compliments.

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