Ch 2:I Let you In

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I'm 9 years old in this moment,in this memory im going to share with you.A memory im going to keep with me forever.
I can still feel the summer breeze blowing in my hair.And the sun shining brightly just like our smiles,their frequency changing into laughter which is carried away by the beach air high up,into a never ending route.
so is my voice which is a combination of giggles and words :'Higher daddy higherrr' as my dad tosses me up in the air his big smile reflecting the truth that he is my hero and he can do anything and undoubtedly everything.I draw my arms wide like a bird's and let the sun prick my eyes only slightly.
Those were the days when we were complete.
Those were the days when i believed I could fly.
      I wish the moment could last longer.But I've long discovered that life is not a fairytale,it can be a nightmare,my mind confirmed that when my sister,Suzan enters my room,holding the laundry basket and tossing it towards me.bringing me back to earth she gibbers in her delicate miss perfect voice
'if your done fantasizing,clean up your room and put your dirty clothes in this basket,oh,practically your whole closet'
  I try to pretend that i dont think shes a monster,but my eyes fail to do so and give a look that says 'oh im going to kill you someday'

 Its Sunday,early morning which means no school and waffles!
So i trot my way downstairs and yeah i remember--new house,packing.that is,an empty room totally completely empty but with boxes everywhere and my mum in one of those.
'Good morning mary'
'Morning mum,whats for breakfast'
'look in the drawer for ome cornflakes'
Okay,so no waffles.
I see my sister irritated,slouches in a chair eating cornflakes from a dixie cup.
'Does vogue now says to quit a bowl for cornflakes or is it one of those tricks to get slim'
Oh shes so good at ignoring me.
My sister Suzan literally spends more than 400 bucks on these stupid-not-even-books.she cant be my sister.
'Mom where are the bowls'i ask
'no bowls,use the cups' she replies
okay,so no bowls neither.
'but...'i try to protest
'douchy,make it work'calls out my sister.okay she knew i had entered the kitchen.

Half eating breakfast and half helping my mum with the unpacking,unlike my Suzan whose propped in the chair reading some magazine.I carry of with my life.By afternoon,we have a place to sit and watch T.V.and hey,the house doesnt looks so bad.
I tidy my room and when i return downstairs I see my mum hanging the family pictures on the wall besides her paintings.The special family pictures,which are a special treasure,And we know we can collect any of those treasures anymore because we're no more complete.we're just a peice left.I
I join my mum gazing at the one perfect picture of the complete family.That included our dad.
and I feel her placing her arms around me.saying i know i miss him too,sweety.

Life is not a fairytale.

Im MariAnna Hawking.I've lived for 17 years.7 of them without my dad.
My dad.He didnt had any injury,accident,he didnt even had any health issues either.He just had to leave.and its okay.My mum found a job,here in London,in a brand new place and we had to leave the house where we had all of the memories with my dad.And live in this humungus house,Which i agree looks beautiful and is like one of those houses you see in movies where a girl finds an adventure to complete.Unlike my sister,I happen to like it.
    My sister.shes 22 and a total nightmare.I Just wish i could Avada Kedavra her.But no magic allowed outside hogwarts.I always sigh at this thought.
And shes such a barbie (which is another reason i dont like her)that she gets all the boys and clothes fitting her perfectly.Its just not fair.Shes always mean.
Of course,the pretty ones never understand.

Its not that im ugly.I dont even have any dysmorphia or a desire to be plastic-perfect.
But i do have freckles on my face and big green eyes that happen to look bigger behind my nerdy glasses i wear.My hair are a tint of light brown and I hate to secure them with pins into a poneytail or whaterer.And they are sometimes a little bushy.Precisely,Im not the kind of girl boys fall in love with.
          But i dont care,clearly not when i have so many friends-BOOKS!and you can really spot me sitting with them in the cafeteria.Not that im a loner or an outcast.I had friends in my hometown.My own squad.I'll miss them until i find new ones,but of course i can never forget them.
and yes,until them i have to pretend im not a loner.
But its okay,my first day wasnt a complete disaster.Everythings going to be perfect.


Or maybe not.

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