𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎

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It was the next day and Faith was sitting in her cell. She had her cassette player on and her earphones in. She didn't have an anxiety attack but she still loved listening to music.

Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you

Every lyric that Faith listened to made her think of Daryl. Maybe she really did like him. Maybe Faith saw him as more than a friend and it took her so long to realise.

They took you away on a table
I pace back and forth as you lay still
They pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me

Faith sighed. Those lyrics made her think about Daryl leaving with Merle. It made her think of herself leaving the group that night. It made her think of that crushed look on Daryl's face. Faith had really messed up and she realised that now. She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard gunshots so she quickly got up and ran into the courtyard, seeing the Governor and his men shooting at the group. He was attacking them because when the group went to Woodbury, they had shot a bunch of the Governor's men. Axel was dead so Faith grabbed a gun and ran to help.


When the Governor left, everyone gathered in the cell block. Faith's eyes widened in shock when she saw Daryl walk inside. He had come back and he was already making her heart flutter like no tomorrow. Daryl looked at Faith and sighed. He missed her when he was out with Merle. He didn't like not talking to her but Faith still hurt him. He didn't wanna get close to her anymore. He shouldn't have allowed himself to gain feelings for her. It always ended badly.

"We ain't scared of that prick." Daryl said.

"Y'all should be. That truck through the fence thing? That's just him ringing the doorbell." Merle said. Faith didn't even know why Merle was there. She thought he was the bad guy but then again, that's how everyone saw Shane. Faith saw Michonne glaring at him and rested a hand on her shoulder which she appreciated. "We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and the numbers. He could just starve us out if he wanted to."

"I think he's got a point." Faith signed to Rick, making him sigh.

"How the hell did she hear me? She deaf, ain't she?" Merle asked, making Faith roll her eyes.

"She's not deaf. She's mute." Glenn said.

"Same thing." Merle said. "Either way, she's your weakest link. Hand her over to the Governor. He'll like her, take care of her. He'll leave us alone."

"Bro, shut up. We're not doing that." Daryl said to Merle as Faith looked at him in disbelief. Merle was a piece of shit. Why was he here? Even Shane wasn't as bad as him. Faith looked up at Daryl and signed "thanks" to him. Daryl just looked away, making Faith sigh.


A little while later into the day, the group were still stuck in the prison. The courtyard was filled with walkers thanks to the Governor and they didn't have enough bullets to get rid of them. Faith figured she'd use her free time to talk to Daryl so she went over to his cell where she saw him sitting on the bed, playing with an arrow. She knocked on the side of the wall, making him look up.

"What?" He asked, looking back down at his arrow. Faith sighed and went to sit on the bunk in front of him, making him look up.

"I'm sorry." She signed to him, making him look at her confused.

"For what?" He asked.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you when I left." Faith signed, making him look away.

"You didn't hurt me. I don't care what decisions you make. They don't affect me." Daryl said.

"They clearly did because you won't talk to me." Faith signed but Daryl didn't understand so Faith wrote it. His sign language was good but there was still some grey areas.

"It's 'cos I don't wanna talk to you." Daryl said once he read the note. "I just don't wanna be your friend. I don't wanna hang out with you."

"I get that I hurt you and I'm sorry for that but I was hurt, too. I had just lost my brother and I find out that Rick killed him. You have to understand my point of view." Faith signed, making Daryl sigh.

"I know. I get it. I do. I just...I can't get close to you, Faith. You already left once and.....I didn't know what to do. At first I thought you were dead and that made me weak. I can't be weak." Daryl said.

"Caring about people doesn't make you weak, Daryl. It makes you strong." Faith signed, resting her hand on his. Daryl looked down as soon as he felt her skin touch his but he didn't move it away. He felt his hand tingle again like it always did whenever she touched him. That's how Daryl knew he still had feelings for her. "I care about you, Daryl. I really do."

Daryl looked at Faith and didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to react to that. Was Faith telling him she liked him? That she had feelings for him like he had for her? Daryl felt weak and that made him realise he just couldn't act on his feelings. He couldn't be weak. He couldn't have Faith depend on him. He would only let her down. He wouldn't be able to keep her happy.

"I can't, Faith." Daryl said, pulling his hand away. "I think it'll be better if we both just move on from each other. I ain't right for you. I can't be whatever you need. I can't."

"You can't know unless you try." Faith signed.

"I don't want to try. Can't risk hurting you, hurting myself. I'll be friends with you because I do...care about you like I do everyone else but...we can never be anything more than that." Daryl said, making Faith's heart sink. She couldn't hear anymore of that so she just nodded and left before Daryl could say anything else.

 She couldn't hear anymore of that so she just nodded and left before Daryl could say anything else

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