𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 - 𝚒 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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When the meeting was over, the group returned to the prison and Rick had gathered everyone in the cell block to let them know what was going on. "So, I met with this Governor. Sat with him for a while. He wants the prison. He wants us gone, dead. He wants us dead for what we did to Woodbury. We're going to war." Rick said before leaving.

Everyone looked at each other, knowing this was going to be a long and gruesome fight. Faith went outside to find Rick, seeing him standing on the bridge connecting the cell blocks. He was looking down at the walkers behind the gate.

"Are you okay?" Faith signed to him.

"I don't know." Rick shrugged.

"Some people want to hit first. Other's want to hit the road but at the end of the day, we stay together. If we have to fight, we will fight." Faith signed to Rick, making him nod.

After a few seconds of silence, Rick spoke. "He gave me a choice. A way out. He wants Michonne." Rick admitted, making Faith's eyes widen in shock.

"You can't give Michonne away. The Governor will kill her." Faith signed.

"And he'll kill us anyways." Rick said. "But what if he doesn't?"

"You can't, Rick. Michonne saved my life. I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for her. I'd be dead. She helped you save Glenn and Maggie. She came with me here to tell you about the Governor when she didn't have to. She's earned her place here." Faith signed.

"I know." Rick sighed. "Which is why I don't know what to do."

"Why didn't you tell this to the rest of the group?" Faith signed.

"They need to be scared." Rick said. "'Cause that's the only way they'll accept it."

"Please, think about this carefully before making a decision, Rick. You know I trust you with my life. You're a smart man. I know everything you do, you do for the group which is why you need to think about this properly. Don't make any rash decisions that'll get you killed like my brother did. I already lost one brother. I can't lose another." Faith signed. Rick sighed and nodded. Faith smiled sadly and squeezed his shoulder before walking back inside.


As the next day rolled around, Rick was still deciding what to do. He figured it would still be good to stock up on weapons and ammo and so he approached Daryl who was cleaning his crossbow.

"Daryl, I need you to go on a run." Rick said, making Daryl look up. "We need weapons, ammo, and a lot of it."

"Yeah, you got it." Daryl said as he got up.

"Take Faith with you." Rick said, making Daryl sigh.

"Why?" Daryl asked. He didn't know if he wanted her to come or not. On one hand, being on a run together would mean they would be spending time alone together. On the other hand, spending time alone together can cause a lot of things to happen, things that Daryl wasn't ready for.

"Because I know you and Faith will come back alive. I trust you both." Rick said. "I have to stay here and keep and eye on everyone, especially Michonne and Merle. You and Faith are capable of going out there and coming back in one piece."

Daryl nodded and went over to Faith's cell where he saw her sitting on her bunk, her head leaning against the wall with her earphones in. She was tapping her fingers along to the music she was listening to. She looked up when she saw Daryl standing by her cell.

"Did you have an attack?" Daryl asked, a little worried.

"Oh, no, I was just bored." She signed before putting her cassette player down. "What's up?"

"Rick wants you and I to go on a run to get weapons and ammo." Daryl said, making Faith nod. She got up and grabbed the things she needed before following Daryl outside. Daryl decided taking a car would be more convenient than going on his bike. If they were going to bring weapons back, they needed a place to put them.

Faith and Daryl got into the car with Daryl in the driver's seat and Faith in the passenger seat. He started the car and started driving. Carl opened the gate which allowed the car to drive through and they were off. Faith opened her window, allowing the breeze to hit her skin as the car drove. All she could see outside were trees and leaves with an occasional walker or two.

"You worried?" Faith heard Daryl ask, making her turn her head to face him. He was still facing the road as he drove.

"About what?" Faith signed.

"About your ex being in this war. You seemed to get along well with him yesterday." Daryl said with a slight bitterness in his voice.

"We're not together anymore and he chose his side. I hope he'll be okay but if he dies, it's on him." Faith signed as Daryl glanced over to see what she was saying.

"What if I die?" Daryl asked, making Faith look at him confused. Where was this coming from?

"You're not going to die." Faith signed.

"How do you know that?" Daryl asked, making Faith sigh.

"Because....it's you. You don't die." Faith signed, making Daryl's heart flutter a little. "Are you jealous of Caesar?"

"Why would I be jealous of that prick?" Daryl asked, making Faith chuckle under her breath. "I don't give a shit about him. I give a shit about you." He blurted out and as soon as Daryl realised what he said, he closed his mouth.

Faith's heart fluttered as a smile grew on her face. Daryl cared about her. "Well, just so you know, I give a shit about you, too." Faith signed, making the corners of Daryl's mouth twist into a smile. They both looked at each other and laughed. At least the awkwardness between them had broken. In that moment, she felt like the friend she had in Daryl was starting to peek through again and she couldn't be happier. It wasn't anything romantic but for now, it was enough.

 It wasn't anything romantic but for now, it was enough

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