2 - Welcome To Hogwarts

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Before the train reached it's destination, the students changed into their robes and Poppy was finally feeling like a true Hogwarts student.

After getting off the train with their luggage, they took the carriages to the castle, carriages which pulled themselves as Poppy gazed on in astonishment at just how wonderful magic really was. All around her students were talking and laughing and creating magic with their wands. Poppy felt a little worried that her fellow seventh years were probably much more experienced wizards and witches compared to her and she wondered if her difference in education would show, but she prayed that her years of studying magic from the best and all of the books she had studied in her own time would give her the edge she needed to keep up. She had the knowledge, now she just wanted to really put her magic into practice.

'Here we are,' Hermione said, as they finally approached the castle. Poppy gazed up at it, a proud, great and powerful view right before her eyes and she couldn't believe she was actually there.

'Welcome to Hogwarts!' Ron grinned over at her cheerfully.

'You have no idea how excited I am right now,' Poppy chuckled, and Hermione gave her an encouraging smile.

Finally, they entered the castle and all Poppy could do was stare and gasp. It was exactly how she had pictured but a million times more fantastic.

'It's wonderful, isn't it?' Hermione said, as she and Ron paused and turned to Poppy, grinning at her amazed expression.

'Words cannot describe just how wonderful it is,' Poppy replied, softly. All of the years that had passed, she'd really had no idea of just how much she actually had missed out on and she was slowly beginning to feel a subtle anger towards her mother for taking that away from her. She had never hated her mother for keeping her in Tinworth, she had always accepted that it was for her protection, but now she was saddened that she had missed out on what could have been six wonderful years at Hogwarts and her mother was to blame for that. Knowing there was more out there had always peaked her curiosity but she had also known her mother was just protecting her from danger that Poppy was well aware was certainly out there. She knew Hogwarts was different. She could already sense that she was safe here.

'Oh, Poppy! There you are!' The high-pitched, Scottish accent made her spin around and she saw the tall, thin woman with small spectacles and a pointed hat who had visited her home many times coming towards her.

'Professor. McGonogall,' Poppy said, with a cheery smile.

'We will leave you to it,' Hermione told her. 'We are going up to our dorms to unpack so we'll see you later, okay?'

'Yeah, bye guys,' Poppy said, and they both gave her a small wave as they disappeared.

'Poppy,' Professor. McGonogall said, as she stopped in front of her. 'I've been waiting for you to arrive. Professor. Dumbledore has asked me to take you aside and get you all set up for final year. Do you want to come with me?'

Poppy nodded and followed her through the halls anxiously. Eventually, they arrived at their destination and when they stepped inside the room, Poppy realised it was Professor. McGonogall's office. It was a warm and cosy little room with a large, lit fireplace. Professor. McGonogall walked over to a little desk and Poppy followed her, glancing out of the window where she could see what looked like Quidditch training grounds.

'Poppy, take a seat, dear,' she said, and Poppy obeyed. 'So, what on earth changed at home to possess your mother to finally cave at such a late point in your education?'

'Ummm...I'm not sure,' Poppy lied. 'I think my Uncle Albus may have had a lot to do with it.'

'Well, I think it's wonderful,' McGonogall said, smiling proudly. 'You always had a keen eye for Transfiguration and I believe you will be a great addition to the school.'

'I appreciate that, Professor,' Poppy replied.

'Anyway,' McGonogall continued. 'Of course, seventh years are preparing for their NEWT examinations and you were preparing for them yourself at home. I understand that you were taking most core subjects as well as some additional you picked up. We need to discuss the subjects you would like to go forth with in seventh year and study the NEWTs for. Do you have any idea of what you would like to do for a future career?'

'I certainly do,' Poppy replied. 'I wish to become an Auror, Professor.'

'An Auror?' McGonogall repeated. 'Well, a lot of hard work and dedication will be required, Poppy. An Auror requires five NEWTs of at least the grade Exceeds Expectations. It is a lot of work.'

'I can more than manage it,' Poppy replied.

'Then let's take a look at your OWL results,' McGonogall said, as she glanced down the paper she picked up from her desk and studied it, nodding slowly. 'Well, I must say, you certainly did extremely well in the subjects you should be taking.'

'Defence Against the Dark Arts being of particular interest to me; I certainly wish to study that this year,' Poppy told her.

'I agree,' McGonogall stated. 'I also recommend Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology and Potions too.'

'Potions?' Poppy questioned, thinking back to when Professor. Slughorn had looked disappointed at the idea she'd wanted to drop the subject. She was rather glad now that she would be returning to his class now that she knew it would help her along the way to her dream job.

'You did very well in your OWLs for Potions,' McGonogall informed her.

'Well, if you say it is going to be useful to me in becoming an Auror then I will follow your advice,' Poppy said, with a smile.

'Brilliant,' McGonogall said. 'Do you have everything you need for your classes?'

'I brought pretty much every book I own,' Poppy chuckled.

'I will get your class schedule to you right away,' McGonogall stated. 'If you succeed in your NEWTs you will undertake tests and three more years of study after Hogwarts for your Auror training in the subjects of Concealment and Disguise, Stealth and Tracking, Duelling in the Dark, Resilience Training, History of the Dark Arts and I believe Poisons and Antidotes are also essential subjects you will have to take up in the future. Like I said, a lot of hard work and dedication.'

'Both of which I have,' Poppy replied, confidently. 'It all sounds brilliant!'

'Okay then,' McGonogall said, getting to her feet. 'Now, we head down to the Great Hall for dinner. Tonight, you will be sorted into your house.'

Poppy gasped softly as she stood up. 'I'm a little nervous.'

'It's nothing to worry about; you will be sorted when the new first years are done,' the Professor told her, smiling softly. 'Don't worry, Poppy. Your father was a Gryffindor, your mother was a Hufflepuff. Your father was extremely courageous and determined. Your mother was loyal and dedicated. I don't think you have anything to worry about.'

'Thank you, Professor,' Poppy said, feeling calmer and enlightened.

'Well, off you go then,' she said, ushering her to the door.

'I'm not sure I know the way to the Great Hall,' Poppy said, as she opened the door and stepped out with the Professor.

'You'll be fine,' McGonogall said, as she raised her arm and pointed down the hallway. 'Straight down that hallway and you'll find the stairs. Oh...they move by the way. Good luck in your first and final year at Hogwarts, Poppy.'

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