28 - Permission To Come

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It took a while for Poppy to realise where Draco was guiding her, with him refusing to respond to her continuous questions, but eventually, she realised that they were heading towards the Slytherin common room as they walked through the dungeons.

'I can't go in there!' Poppy hissed, pushing backwards as soon as she saw the door. 'I'm not allowed!'

'Come on!' Draco clicked his tongue and shoved her forward again, to which she wrapped his robes around her tighter to ensure her own house uniform was not visible.

'Pure-blood.' Draco stated the password, to which Poppy gave him a look of disgust, and then he shoved her forward again into the common room.

She felt uncomfortable and awkward as she strolled in and kept her head down.

'Don't look, don't talk, don't even breathe,' Draco muttered, with a hand on her lower back as he guided her through.

She tried to keep her head low but was mesmerised by the beauty of the common room. It certainly had an impressive and beautiful architecture that was slightly gothic and aesthetically pleasing to her eye. It wasn't too busy in the common room, and most students were minding their own business and not paying attention to who had entered. Keeping her eyes on the floor, she allowed Draco to continue guiding her through until they reached another door and headed through into the dorm. The dorm room was empty and as soon as they were inside Draco closed the door behind them and pulled the robes off her from behind.

'Why am I he-?' Turning around to address him, she was cut off by his hands snaking around her waist and pulling her in, followed by his lips on hers. Now she knew why she was here. 'I really don't think this is a smart idea, Draco.'

'It's never been a smart idea,' he murmured, as he fumbled with her tie and then her buttons, tearing off her shirt. 'Never stopped us before.'

'This is your dorm.' Poppy knew she was right in being hesitant but as she spoke, she felt herself growing weaker and less caring about the risk. 'What if someone comes in?'

'Easy,' Draco replied, pushing her backwards down onto his bed.

She watched as he unbuttoned his trousers, dropped them and then his boxers. His erection caught her eye and she closed them softly, knowing there was no turning back now. He had her.

God, I hate myself so much. She certainly did so in that moment as she thought it repeatedly to herself, but it didn't tear her away from the situation.

She watched as he placed a condom onto himself and then he returned his attention to her, removing her shoes, then her skirt and then her underwear. Poppy sat up and removed her bra as Draco climbed onto the bed and pulled the canopy curtains around them, ensuring they were completely hidden from view should anyone enter.

'If someone one catches us...' Poppy whispered.

'Then I'll say you snuck into my dorm and forced yourself on me,' Draco replied, as he crawled on top of her.

She gasped from underneath him and frowned harshly. 'You'll say what?'

His serious and emotionless expression quickly dropped to an amused grin and she let out a sigh of relief.

'Chill out, Dumbledore,' he mumbled, moving his mouth to her neck where he began kissing her fervently and she closed her eyes and welcomed it.

Wrapping her arms around his back underneath his open shirt, which she dared not ask him to remove and ruin the moment, she held onto him tightly and raised her knees, giving him comfortable access between her legs. Feeling his warm skin on hers gave her a feeling of security and serenity and her skin burned with passion from his body on hers.

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