Several days went by seemingly normal and ordinarily but Poppy did not see much of Draco. She saw him in school, looking distant in the Great Hall, wandering the corridors between classes lost in thought and present in the lessons they shared together but at the same time, not looking present at all. She left him be. She did not want to set herself up for more hurt by giving him ammunition to shoot his cruel words at her and she refrained from approaching him altogether. It was difficult, considering everytime she looked at him he appeared to be battling something dark in his mind but she reminded herself that he did not care for her consideration and likely did not want her sympathy either.
Poppy walked down the corridor in the middle of another ordinary Thursday afternoon and stepped into the half full classroom, looking over to her table where she saw Harry standing staring down at his book.
She gasped loudly and hurried forward. Harry looked up and smiled when he saw her, blinking rapidly as she threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. 'You're back!'
'Yeah,' he chuckled, patting her back lightly. 'It's good to see you too.'
She stepped back and laughed bashfully. 'Sorry...I'm just happy to see you.'
'That's alright,' he replied, with a kind smile. 'How are things?'
The amount of answers she could have given him to his question were ridiculous but she shook her head and smiled. 'All good. What about you? Have you been where I'm thinking you've been?'
He nodded gently. 'We found one.'
Her eyes widened and she lightly gasped. 'Have you...' She brought her voice to a whisper. '...destroyed it?'
Harry shook his head quickly. 'Dumbledore has it.'
'This is great news, Harry,' Poppy told him. 'Isn't it?'
'Well, I mean, it's progress,' Harry replied.
'What was it?' Poppy whispered, curiously.
He studied her face and thought about his answer, looking around before he whispered back. 'A locket.'
She raised her eyebrows. Such a simple, normal, everyday object was also a dark, dangerous, perilous artefact.
'So...did you hear about Goyle?' Harry asked her.
Poppy felt her heart rate increase rapidly at his question. 'Yeah, I heard.'
'I mean, I'm not going to say I'm sorry it happened because he was a bit of a prat but...I suppose it's still a terrible thing to have happened,' Harry murmured, as he pulled his quill from the ink pot.
'Yeah...I know what you mean,' Poppy mumbled.
'Well, it didn't take them long to catch the killer,' Harry told her, quietly.
She felt her whole body jolt with shock. 'What did you just say? They caught the killer?'
'Shhh...' Harry raised his finger to his lips. 'I don't think it's public yet. Dumbledore told me that a man called Arum Rook killed Goyle. He was handed in by another wizard who said he confessed the killing to him in the Hogs Head. He's been sent straight to Azkaban.'
'Arum Rook? I recognise that name. Who is that?' Poppy murmured, quietly. 'Why would he confess to that...?' It was a certain mystery to her. A man confessing to a murder he did not commit.
'No idea,' Harry replied. 'Dumbledore says his wand was found not far from where they found Goyle. It is rather strange though. I mean, Rook was already a wanted man for killing hundreds of Muggles over the years but...Goyle was a pure-blood and Rook believed in pure-blood supremacy and he was a Slytherin himself. I guess Goyle just got on the wrong side of him. Then he went and bragged about the killing to someone who snitched on him - what an idiot.'
Poppy nodded and turned away from Harry so that he didn't see the guilt on her face. Someone had taken the wrap for Draco's crime but most of her felt thankful that it meant Draco would remain free. She knew it was wrong. She knew Draco was a murderer and the right thing to do would have been to come forward and tell the truth; that she knew the true killer behind the crime. It was something she could never do. Draco had done it for her. He had done it to protect her and avenge her. He didn't deserve to be sent to Azkaban where as by the sounds of it Arum Rook was already looking at life in a cell.
Her eyes refocused as she watched Draco step into the classroom. They both remained still as their eyes focused on each other. She wondered if he knew about Rook but came to her. This had Professor. Snape written all over it. Professor. Snape who had said he would fix the situation. A Muggle-Killer wanted and never found for years suddenly confesses to killing a pure-blood wizard boy and is sent right to Azkaban? An experienced killer leaving his wand at the scene?
'Come on now, move along.' Professor. Slughorn arrived and ushered Draco into the room.
He tore his eyes away from Poppy and moved to his table beside Pansy and his other friends.
'Professor?' Pansy called out. 'Have you spoken to Professor. Dumbledore about Draco's Veritaserum yet? We're all waiting to play a very interesting game of truth or dare.'
The other Slytherin's sniggered but Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head subtly.
'Yes, yes, I did indeed but my apologies to Mr. Malfoy,' Slughorn sighed. 'I am not permitted to hand the potion over.'
The Slytherins all began whining and complaining immediately and Draco frowned onwards at Slughorn.
'Why not, Professor?' Draco asked, calmly.
'It was a very advanced effort at brewing the potion, Mr. Malfoy,' Slughorn told him. 'It's effects will last for many hours and after studying it, it is a very strong truth serum indeed that you created. To hand it over to you would be irresponsible of me when it appears to me that...'
Draco waited and quickly shrugged. 'It appears what?'
'The way in which the potion was brewed was that of a highly experienced potions master,' Slughorn continued, sounding nervous and uncomfortable. 'I am not in the belief that...that-.'
'You think I cheated?' Draco asked, bluntly.
'Now, now, don't twist my words,' Slughorn replied, firmly.
'That is what you are insinuating, Professor,' Draco said, rudely. 'I find it rather offensive if I must say so. I made that potion with my own two hands in this very classroom from the very instructions you provided.'
'I understand that, Mr. Malfoy,' Slughorn stammered, awkwardly. 'It is the final word of the headmaster. I'm sorry. You will still receive a profounding grade that represents your achievement. Now, let's open our textbooks and continue with where you left off last lesson. I will be circling to go over anything you need to work on for the NEWT examination.'
The class began mumbling as they reached for their textbooks. Harry and Poppy chatted about the subject and discussed some of the areas they both wanted to work more on with each other, Poppy helping Harry out with a lot more than he helped her with. It was clear to her that with everything going on, he was rather behind in his classes but she was happy to try and bring him up to speed.
When class was over, the students all left the room and Poppy strolled down the corridor with Harry back towards the common room.
'Ginny will be happy to see you,' Poppy told him.
'Yeah, I can't wait to see her too,' Harry replied.
Draco whizzed past them both, nudging Harry in the shoulder as he did so.
'Twat,' Harry muttered, as they reached the end of the corridor. Harry pointed to the right. 'You coming?'
Poppy glanced to the left where Draco was walking away and she quickly shook her head. 'I have to go to the library. Go ahead without me, I'll be along soon.'
Harry nodded doubtfully but he walked away up the corridor and Poppy turned to the left, heading towards where Draco was currently leaning against the wall with a face like thunder.

Denying Draco
Fanfiction✨A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction✨ 🔘Ongoing🔘‼️MATURE‼️ Preview:- "'Disgusting, evil bastard!' Poppy continued, her voice full of pain and emotion as her eyes filled with tears. 'I never said I was otherwise!' he bellowed, his eyes wide and erratic. 'I'...