'It's been nearly two weeks now,' Ginny sighed, as she picked at the food on her plate.
'Yeah, I'm starting to worry now,' Poppy confessed. 'I can't even find out anything from my Uncle Albus because he's never around either.'
'I wish I knew what they were doing, where they went...' Ginny stabbed her fork morbidly into her french toast and let go of it, watching it wobble awkwardly back and forth like a broken pendulum.
'I'm guessing you're not feeling too hungry,' Poppy said, sympathetically.
'I haven't had my appetite since the day they left,' Ginny replied.
'I'm not so hungry either,' Poppy sighed, taking a sip of her tea.
'Let's just go back to the common room,' Ginny said. 'The smell of all this food is knocking me sick.'
Poppy nodded and the girls got to their feet, exiting the Great Hall together. On their way out, they passed Draco and Blaise on their way in and he raised his eyebrows casually at Poppy in a nonchalant greeting and she turned away from him. They had been amicable since their partnership in Potions class but besides that, she'd stuck to her guns about staying away from him.
'What's going on there?' Ginny asked, as they both moved swiftly down the corridor.
'Nothing at all,' Poppy murmured, hoping Ginny wouldn't get into it. Talking about Draco mentally drained her and she didn't have the energy to even try.
'Seems like you're over and done with that now, mate,' Ginny said, laughing softly. 'I'm glad. You deserve better.'
'I do deserve better,' Poppy told her. 'That's why I'm working hard to stay away from him.'
'Because you know if you get too close you'll cave?' Ginny teased.
'You're my best friend so I can admit it to you,' Poppy laughed. 'As much as it pains me, it's true.'
Ginny chuckled back. 'Must be some good sex.'
'Don't even let me think about it for one second,' Poppy groaned, already feeling the urges. 'I swear if I end up going back there I'll hate myself.'
'I promise not to let you,' Ginny vowed. 'Maybe you should just sleep with Cedric and then your horny energy will be focused on him instead.'
'Gin, I am not sleeping with Cedric,' Poppy replied, clicking her tongue.
'Why not?' Ginny asked. 'He obviously likes you! And he's athletic, he's tall, he's manly; I bet he's like a Firebolt in bed.'
'Then you sleep with him,' Poppy giggled.
'Me?! Pfft! Yeah right!' Ginny exclaimed. 'I still haven't...'
Poppy waited and slowly grinned. '...slept with Harry?'
'Exactly,' Ginny said, quietly.
'Maybe you should just make the move and initiate it,' Poppy suggested, as they entered the common room.
'I don't know about that,' Ginny murmured. 'I mean for all I know Harry could be dea-.'
She stopped dead and gasped and Poppy turned away from her and looked forward, gasping even louder. 'You're back!'
The two girls ran over to Harry, Ron and Hermione who were gathered around the fire and they all hugged each other tightly. Ginny held onto Harry that little bit longer and he held on just as tightly back.
'It's so good to see you!' Poppy squealed, as she smiled at her friends. 'How are you all?'
'We're fine,' Hermione replied, nodding quickly.

Denying Draco
Fanfiction✨A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction✨ 🔘Ongoing🔘‼️MATURE‼️ Preview:- "'Disgusting, evil bastard!' Poppy continued, her voice full of pain and emotion as her eyes filled with tears. 'I never said I was otherwise!' he bellowed, his eyes wide and erratic. 'I'...