57 - Sectumsempra

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Trying to catch up with him, Poppy sped across the old, wooden floors, keeping her eyes locked on him as he dashed up the stairs and turned out of sight.

She hurried past the crowds of students coming the opposite way to breakfast, getting annoyed as she slid through the gaps and bolted to the staircase. Turning down the corridor, she saw him marching swiftly and then he turned right into a doorway.

She made her way down the empty corridor and as she got closer, she heard the desperate sobs echoing in the distance. Picking up speed, she raced down the remainder of the corridor and turned right, stepping into the empty bathrooms where Draco was standing by the sink. The scene was all too familiar, exactly what she had walked into the last time when he had been crying in the bathrooms only weeks before.

Slowly edging forward, he flinched as he heard her movements and stared at her through the mirror. Without hesitation, she walked right over to him quickly and he turned around, staring down at her with fear in his eyes as she stopped in front of him.

Looking up with a panicked expression, heart thumping in her chest and hands slightly shaking, she managed to stutter out the words. 'D-did...did you do it?'

He gulped and his brows furrowed perturbedly as his breaths came out shaky but he did not respond.

'Draco...' she continued, taking one more step forward. 'Did you curse her?'

His face creased up and crumbled as he shook his head slowly. His mouth became upturned as he took in a sharp breath and exhaled in a quivering sigh. 'I didn't mean to hurt her.'

'Oh my god.' Poppy stepped back from him and clasped her hands over her mouth.

'You don't understand!' Draco cried, reaching out to her with both hands. He grabbed her arms tightly as if to never let her go. 'It wasn't supposed to happen!'

'She could have died!' Poppy exclaimed, her eyes filling with tears.

'I know that!' he screeched, his face still creased up in remorse. 'But she didn't! She didn't die, she's fine, she's okay!'

'She's been stuck in St. Mungo's because of what you did to her!' Poppy barked, pulling her wrists away from him.

'You're not listening to me!' Draco growled, becoming frustrated and flustered. 'I didn't mean to hurt her!'

'How did she end up with that necklace?' Poppy asked. 'No, in fact, how did you end up with that necklace and why did you give it to her?'

'I got it at Borgin and Burke's,' Draco confessed, his hands shaking as he tried to reach out to her again. 'It wasn't meant for Katie, you have to believe me. I didn't give it to her, I gave it to Madam Rosmerta!'

Poppy's face turned slowly into a frown. 'The lady from The Three Broomsticks?' And suddenly she remembered the woman's strange behaviour that day she had been there with Harry. That day Draco had been there. That day Katie was cursed. 'Did you put Madam Rosmerta under the Imperius Curse?'

Draco let go of her and brought his hands up to the back of his head in a desperate motion. 'I fucked up,' he croaked, letting out a heavy sob.

'You still haven't told me why you did all of this,' Poppy muttered. 'Why did you have it? Why did you do that to Madam Rosmerta and how did Katie end up with it?'

'Because I fucked up!' Draco cried, his voice sounding like a defeated, weak and tired boy. 'I need you to believe me when I tell you that I did not intend to hurt Katie.'

She stared at him and quickly wiped away the tear that rolled down her cheek. 'I believe you.'

'Thank you,' he whispered, bending forward with his hands on his knees as he took in steady breaths.

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