He's Dead

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~AweSamDude's POV~

I stand there waiting for Tommy to return before heading off to do my shift at the prison. I check the time and my eyes go wide. Tommy should be back by now. It has been 13+ hours he never takes this long and it's getting dark.

I look down to my watch and see the time. 6:57 pm. My shift starts at 8 pm.

Alright, if Tommy is not back by 7:10 I'll try and contact him, I think to myself.

As I stand there waiting for Tommy to return, I notice Niki run past the Hotel. I tilt my head in confusion.

Tommy left with Niki, she might know where Tommy is.

"Niki!" I call out.

Niki turns to me, a big smile plastered on her face, but as she sees me her smile falls.

"Yeah? What's up Sam?" Niki asks.

"I know you left with Tommy earlier, do you know where he is?" I ask, worry evident in my voice.

"Uh, no we got separated a while back. I couldn't wait for him because I have something else I need to do right now. I'm actually kind of late. I'll see you later!" Niki says, almost as if she was hiding something.

I throw my trident and land in front of Niki.

"Niki, you seem on edge, so I'm only gonna ask you this once more. Where's Tommy?" I say.

"I already told you, I lost track of him. You know how he can be." Niki exclaimed.

"Fine, but if you happen to see him, let him now I'm looking for him, alright?"

"Alright. Bye Sam." Niki takes of running once more.

I start to head back to my spot, I see Jack Manifold running.

"NIKI WAIT UP!" Jack calls out.

I stop in my tracks.

Why is Jack following Niki? Didn't Jack and Tubbo have their secret plans today?

"Jack!" I call out.

Jack stops right in front of me. He gulps.

"Y-yeah?" Jack mumbles.

"Where's Tommy?" I ask.

"I don't know! I haven't seen him all day." Jack fidgets, clearly lying.

"I thought you and Tubbo had your plans today." I state.

"Yeah, we did. It went well. I need to catch up with Niki. I'm sorry." Jack goes to continue running, but I stop him.

"Jack, where is Tubbo?" I ask anger and worry in my voice.

"Probably in Snowchester. If not, he's probably still at the testing location." Jack says hurriedly.

"And where is that?" I ask.

"What, Snowchester or the testing location?" Jack asks and glances around.

"The testing location."

"Look if he's not at Snowchester, shoot me a message and I'll give you the testing location. Ok? Now I need to catch up to Niki!" Jack says and throws an enderpearl before I can stop him.

Jack disappears and I start to head to Snowchester. As I get there I see no one but Foolish. I look in Tubbo's house and he isn't there. My worry starts to increase even more.

"Hey Foolish!" I call out.

"Yeah?" Foolish rows over to me. "What can I help you with?"

"Do you know where Tubbo or Tommy is?" I ask.

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