I wish I could help

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~No one's POV~

It had been a few days since they read the book. They were making a room for Micheal. They had just finished when Micheal woke up. They surprised him with it and he was so excited. They were happy to see the kid happy. They felt attached to him and wanted to give him the best life.

Phil had made breakfast and the 5 of them ate breakfast.

"Where's PhanTommy?" Tubbo asks, realizing he's not there.

"No clue. Haven't seen him since last night." Techno responds, almost worried.

"That's not good. We should find him." Ranboo speaks up.

"Yeah, we don't need another Tommy dying. I don't think any of us can handle that." Phil jokes, making the 4 of them laugh and Micheal confused.


After they had finished their breakfast, Tubbo and Ranboo, went back to their house.

"Micheal, we are gonna have to leave for a bit. Can you stay here?"

Micheal nods, "As long as you don't leave me forever."

"Don't worry, we'll be back by tonight." Ranboo ruffles his hair.

The 4 of them meet outside to go search for the young ghost they've all grown attached to. They set off. Phil towards Logstedshire, Techno towards L'manburg, and Ranboo and Tubbo towards The Greater Dream SMP.


~Phil's POV~

When we get to the point on the path that diverts, Techno, Tubbo, and Ranboo all head to the community portal, while I head to Logstedshire's portal.

I brace myself for what I'll see as it might have been horrible from Tubbo and Ranboo's reaction along with Ghostbur's.

I make it to the portal and jump to the ledge as the bridge seems to be destroyed right at the worst edge. I enter the portal and travel through it. Once I am through, I step out and look around. It's a lot smaller than I remember.

I walk around, calling out for PhanTommy occasionally, and looking at all the destruction.

I walk over to a hole, where his tent used to be. In the hole is a chest. I open it and see a small wad of paper and a bunch of items.

I take out the wad of paper, unfold it. I read it out loud to no one but myself.

"To whom ever finds this. Congrats, I'm dead. But seriously if you find this, I'm shocked. I hid it, even from Dream. He will probably find the other chests, but I doubt he'll find this one. In there are the tools I've managed to save and collect in my time in exile. Here's who I want to have this stuff.

I want Ranboo to have any and all pickaxes, even the ones he gave me. I know he likes mining, so I think he'll really like them. Give Tubbo the sword. Give Techno the axe and hoe, I know he likes to farm. Lastly, give Phil anything else. If you aren't one of the 4 reading this, sorry, I just don't have enough stuff and I don't really feel like you'd care, but go ahead and loot my area. The beach still has everything from the party no one showed up too. Goodbye, Tommy."

I stare at the note for a while. After, I feel my communicator beep. I look at it and my eyes go wide. Tubbo had messaged me.

Tubbo to Philza: We found him. Meet us at the new community house ASAP.

Phil grabs the items inside the chest and heads toward the community portal.


~Techno's POV~

What happened to Tommy? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now