The Next Day

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~3rd Person POV~

The next morning Tubbo had awoken before everyone else. He was still distraught about Tommy. He had gotten up and left a note fore everyone. It read:

To Techno, Phil, Ranboo, Puffy, and Sam

I left. I can't be in this realm right now. I'll return soon, but I just need time. You can still message me and I will message you if I need help at all. I hope you guys understand. I just feel every time I turn a corner there is a reminder of Tommy. It's all too much. I love you all. You are all my family. I promise I will return.


Tubbo had quickly went back to Snowchester. He wasn't expecting to run into Foolish.

"Hey Tubbo!" Foolish calls out to me as Tubbo enters Snowchester.

"Oh...hey. Is Jack here?" Tubbo asks, worried.

"No, he hasn't returned since you guys left. Is he ok? Are you okay?" Foolish ask.

"I don't know, but I don't want to see him. If I see him, I may kill him."


"He... He killed Tommy."

"I thought Tommy was already dead though?"

"He killed him fully."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry Tubbo."

Tubbo closes his eyes to keep from crying. Foolish then leaves, giving Tubbo his space. Tubbo enters his house and grabs a suitcase. He fills it up with some clothes. Once he's done, he makes his way to spawn.

Once at spawn, he takes out his communicator and types something in. A second later he is teleported to the one person who can cheer him up, other than Tommy.


Sam exits the prison, just as AntFrost is starting his shift. AntFrost was worried when he saw Sam. He was just staring at the wall, which was not like Sam. He tried to ask what was wrong, but Sam just ignored him and left.

Sam is heading to Techno's place to meet up with Ranboo, Puffy, and Tubbo. As he heads to the portal, he looks away from the hotel. He can't even bare to look at it.

While he is walking with his head hung low, he bumps into someone. He goes to apologize until he sees who it is.

"Shit.. sor-" Sam freezes.

The person looks at Sam and also freezes.

"Jack!" Sam spits, venom in his voice.

"Let me explain before you do anything!" Jack pleads.

"You can explain to me when we get to Techno's" Sam screams.

He then grabs Jack and pushes him forward. Jack keeps begging him to let go, so he can explain. Sam ignores him.

Soon they reach Techno's house and he knocks. Techno opens the door, sleepily. He's wide awake when he sees Sam at his door holding Jack.

Confused he lets the angry Sam into the house, where Phil is currently making breakfast. Phil turns and see Sam and Jack.

"What's happening?" Phil says entering the room.

"Jack here, wanted to explain himself. Don't you?" Sam snaps at Jack.

"What are you talking about?" Techno asks.

"Jack had a hand in Tommy's death."

Techno goes to hurt Jack, but Sam and Phil stop him.

"Calm down." Phil whispers to Techno.

"HE KILLED TOMMY! How can I calm down! I should kill him!" Techno snarls back.

"Let him explain." Sam tries to reason. "Trust me, I want to kill him as much as you do."

"Fine. Explain yourself or I might just kill you." Techno says to Jack.

Jack flinches as all eyes are now on him. He freezes up.

"SPEAK!" Sam yells.

"Alright! Alright!" Jack says. "Me and Niki killed Tommy. Me and Tubbo had been working on a nuke, just in case Dream ever escaped prison. We set a date to test it. I found the location and then suggested to Sam that spruce wood would look good with the hotel. I said that because the testing location was the middle of a spruce forest. I then told Niki. We agree she would lure Tommy out there and I would stall Tubbo from launching until she told me he was in the area. I regret it now! Please! Don't kill me!"

"It's a bit too late to regret it now." Puffy says, disappointment evident in her voice. "Tommy's dead and you are to blame."

"I should kill you where you stand." Techno grumbles.


A few hours later, Jack is being brought to the Prison. He is going to be put in one of the holding cells. He accepts his fate as this is part of his plan. He smirks as they march him through the Dream SMP one last time.

By this time the word had spread that Tommy was dead. So the realm was pretty empty.

Once in the prison. Sam takes Jack to his cell and informs him he will only be getting one meal every other day. Jack tries to complain but Sam turns around.

"Or I could publicly execute you. Your pick." Jack goes quiet. "That's what I thought." 

Sam exits the prison. He meets back up with Puffy and Techno. They all make their way back to Techno's place. As they are walking, Sam realizes he hasn't seen Tubbo.

"Wait, where's Tubbo?" He asks worried.

"He left." Techno states.

"What? Where?"

"We don't know he didn't say. He left note. Told us he'd be back soon, but needed time away from this realm. I don't blame him."

Sam sighs and nods, "Same. Tommy is in every little thing."


Once back to Techno's house. They all sit around a table and eat some food. No one talks. The only sound is the clinking of utensils and the small sobs Ranboo produces.

After they eat, Sam speaks up.

"We should hold a funeral."

"It's only right." Phil says.

"Where should we hold it?" Puffy questions.

Techno looks up from his book, "L'manberg. He built that place. It's only right, his final resting place is L'manberg. He gave everything for L'manberg."

There's a deadly silence.

"I agree." Ranboo speaks up for the first time that day.

"When should we hold it?"

"Next week. Friday." Phil states. "His birthday."

They all agree. They will send everyone who ever knew Tommy a message tomorrow. For now they all go their separate ways for the night. Puffy goes to her house and Sam goes to the prison for his shift.


1043 words.

Small chapter. Also 2 chapters in one day? Hope you all enjoyed.

- The Author (A Squirrel named Tyler who is going to come out to their family tomorrow)

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