Everything's Burned [XIV]

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"Alright, that's a wrap, guys! Thank you, everyone, for doing this, just a reminder, we're not validating the parking. Drive safe! ", Damon exhaled, "Oh, and drinks are on Enzo, it's not like he's gonna have anything better to do with his paycheck if our plan fails and he dies", he shrugged his shoulders while Enzo rolled his eyes at the unnecessary comment. "What? To soon? We've been here for almost two hours, trying to figure out a way to save your life, so you can go back to teaching, getting rid of those Whitmore bastards, all while keeping my beloved brother out of this mess, so he can keep feeding on squirrels", Damon continued in the same clueless manner as Enzo stood up and made his way towards the bar.
"Well, it's not a funeral, so we might as well get pissed tonight", Enzo came back with a bourbon bottle for each, raising his glass once Damon, Ric, Matt, and Caroline got theirs.
"I don't mean to be a buzzkill, but do you really think the doctor's gonna fall for Damon's plan?", Caroline furrowed her brows, downing her drink in a breath.
"Aww, are you saying you're gonna miss me when I'm gone, blondie?", Enzo smirked as he placed his arm around Caroline's shoulder, pulling her in for half a hug.
"Do this again and I'll have to start wishing he doesn't", she growled.
"Well, he has to", as he pulled out, he fixed his stare down at his glass, hypnotized by the amber waves, trying hard to keep his thoughts organized. "I guess it's the second time I put my life in your hands, mate", he chuckled underneath his breath, moving his gaze towards Damon. "What do they say, third time is the charm?", he continued more cheerily.
"Can you not be so melodramatic again?", the Salvatore spoke in a low voice that slightly betrayed the fact that he was indeed concerned that the plan might as well not work.
"Me? Melodramatic?", Enzo snickered as he grabbed one of the bottles sailing across the table, chugging down on it for as long as he could, before jumping off his chair and climbing on the stage that Mystic Grill improvised in an attempt to hold a weekly live music night. "Before I started teaching, I had a lot of free time, so I wrote a song inspired by you, mate. It's called 'Everything's burned', you know, since you left me to die in that fire all those years ago", he stated, grabbing a guitar that was laying around.
"Can we do that another time? Or never?", Damon booed.
"Now you're being a buzzkill!", Caroline punched his arm. "Enzo, don't listen to him, now you just kinda have to do it, the whole grill's looking at you", she laughed, looking at the stage in excitement, with widen eyes.
"Come on up, perky blonde angel of death, back me up, if they're looking, they might as well look at something appealing", Enzo chuckled, extending his hand out for the blonde.
"I don't think that's a good idea", she shook her head, but as the whole table started chanting her name, she eventually accepted the invitation and joined the vampire on stage. "If the poison doesn't kill you, I sure will", she whispered to his ear while displaying a fake, nervous, large grin. "I don't know the lyrics, you dumbass"
"Of course you do", Enzo's lips formed a reassuring smile as his fingers started caressing the guitar's strings.
To her surprise, it was a familiar song that was on the back of her tongue, only taking her a couple of chords to make her remember. The moment she recognized the song Enzo was playing, her lips did an odd thing where they almost reached her ears in a broad smile.

"Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good", they both sang along to the chorus, bouncing on the stage, leaning against each other, putting on a show. By the end of the song, the room was flooded with cheers and applause. The vampires took a bow and returned to their table, both hyped.
"You're a dead man walking", Caroline laughed, clinking her glass against Enzo's.
"I'll drink to that. Shots, anyone?", he raised an eyebrow.
"You do know some of us have to go to work tomorrow, don't you?", Ric inquired, trying to mentally prepare for a hangover.
"I'll have one, I have the week off", Matt innocently shrugged his shoulders. "Tequila?"
"We'll start with five each then", Damon interfered with his signature cocky smirk.
Enzo nodded, but as he stood up to make his way towards the bar for the hundredth time tonight, accidentally bumped into Caroline, who was just finishing her drink in order to go to the bathroom, spilling bourbon on them both.
"How much do you actually hate me? I just bought this dress this morning! It's gonna leave a stain!", she looked at him, half wanting to rip his head off, half laughing.
"A stain? Oh no, and this my good white shirt!", he mocked. "Better go clean that up"
"I was heading to the bathroom anyway", she rolled her eyes, bumping her shoulder into him on her way out, having him follow her. "You know, I've been meaning to ask, but then got distracted by this whole 2 more days to live situation you've got going around. What did I walk in on yesterday? You could've cut the tension with a knife", Caroline addressed her question while scrubbing the fabric.
"Can I plead the 5th?", he laughed, mimicking her actions.
"You can not. After everything you've put me through tonight, I deserve an answer", she pointed her index finger at him.
"I don't know what that was, Caroline. Ask Anna", he raised his shoulder in order to indicate his confusion as he turned off the water tap.
"You know what, I don't even wanna know", she laughed, pushing Enzo lightly out the bathroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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