The Other Side of Town [VIII]

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"Is that Elena?!", Lydia squinted and raced down the hallway in order to avoid Anna's question and jumped on Elena's back as she was placing books in her locker.

"Long time no see, strangers!", Elena's face lighted up with a big smile as she wrapped her arms around the two girls in a tight group hug. "So how was your summer? I wanna know everything", she winked.

"Well you know me, went to auditions all day long then fell asleep next to my books all night", Lydia shrugged her shoulders lightly as she mimicked Elena's facial expression.

"Oh, drinking rosé under the Tuscany sun, eating brownies in the Red Light District, staring at masterpieces in the Louvre, and by the way, by masterpieces I mean boys", Anna grinned "Not to brag, but my sister and I had the most amazing summer in Europe", she exhaled deeply, stoked with excitement. "How about you Elena? Spent all summer with your boy toy?", she raised her eyebrows.

"No, actually me and Damon broke up a couple of weeks ago", Elena sighed as she gently placed a lock of her hair behind her ear, clearly not interested in continuing the subject.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Why didn't you call me? I would've come up to your door with a bottle of wine, red velvet cupcakes, and 'How to lose a guy in 10 days'... oh and ice cream! We could've had all the ice cream in the world", Lydia rubbed her friend's back while trying to cheer up her friend.

"It's alright guys, you don't need to worry. Stefan's been so supportive ever since. He made sure to put me back on my feet", Elena pursed her lips aside and spoke in a quiet voice.

"Uh, the brother, that's a classic.", Anna chuckled. "You go, girl!"

"There's nothing going on between me and Stefan, we're just friends. We had our try and blew it up back in high school. Plus, to be honest, I haven't really gotten over Damon just yet", she looked down, clearly upset.

"You know what? You need a rebound and a little bird told me that all the frat houses are uniting their powers for this big 'Welcome back' Whitmore party this Friday. I'll pick you girls up at 8. Oh and I was thinking little black dress and red lipstick. What do you think about that?", Anna narrowed her eyes as she threw dead serious looks at her friends. "You know what? I'm going to leave before you've got the chance to say 'no'. Byeee!", she started laughing and skipping down the hall, leaving the girls behind, confused.

"Well, it's not like she's left us any other choice", Lydia shrugged her shoulder, smiling widely as they were directing their steps towards the parking lot

"Ms. James? Do you have a minute?", Alaric's voice traveled through the open classroom door they were passing by.

"You know what? Just go, I'll call you later", Lydia waved at Elena and stepped into the classroom. "Hey there, Mr. Saltzman", the corners of her face turned into a shy smile as she greeted her favorite professor.

"Lydia, come in. I wanted to talk to you about your essay", Alaric smiled back at her, inviting her to sit. "I want you to submit it as an entry to this Occult Studies competition. For extra credit, of course. It's pretty damn good and I really think you have a shot."

"Really? Wow, well I don't know what to say. It only took me three allnighters", she laughed as she crossed her arms.

"Well don't say anything, just do it. I'll email you all the details later tonight and my notes in order to make some small adjustments, all right?" Ric nodded his head lightly when his attention has been drawn to the silhouette approaching the door. "Enzo, come in!"

"Hmm, is someone in trouble?", he entered the classroom with his signature smirk imprinted upon his lips.

"Have you meet Lydia? She's one of the best students we've got over here and might I say, she's got quite an affinity for everything history related. I don't think she could ever get in trouble", Ric chuckled lightly as the student rolled her eyes.

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