Dog Dream [II]

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Then came Damon. Experiment number 21051.


70 years later, Lorenzo was a free man. In a desperate attempt to put everything behind, to escape the past, he found himself wandering the streets of Mystic Falls, enjoying the cold breeze squeeze his pale skin. He had no idea what this modern world would prepare for him, nor that faith was about to reunite him with his long lost friend, Damon Salvatore. Life is funny like that. He had years to pile up thoughts and scenarios about the day they would meet again, even if he thought the skies would fall before he got the chance to confront him. He wanted Damon dead for ruining him, for lying, for abandoning him to burn down in flames. They say that time heals the wounds, but this time, the wounds only got deeper and deeper, waiting for a blood bath.

The first night of freedom was the night that Enzo would get the chance to fulfill his deepest desire, though he didn't know it yet. His footsteps led him to The Mystic Grill, a grand old building emerging from the shadows. All the lights were flickering as a sign that something was about to go down. Enzo could kill for a bottle of scotch. Heavy footed as he was, slowly balancing from one heel to the other, he made his way towards the bar, without even bothering to throw an eye around the room. Once he seated himself on a stool, near the bar, a young beautiful ginger girl approached him, taking his order. A smirk appeared quickly on his face as he started small talk with the waitress. They were all alone, meaning the vampire would be granted a little midnight snack after drowning himself in the alcohol - that was his plan at least. Diving into it, two glasses of scotch later and a couple of giggles, someone dared interrupt them.

Feeling a firm grip rested against his shoulder, Enzo turned his head around as he slowly rose from the sitting pose. Surprisingly, the face he had laid his eyes upon was a familiar one, oh, so familiar. "Well, well, if it isn't a blast from the past. Damon Salvatore in flesh and bones." The younger vampire escaped a mocking whistle through his thick lips. He was certainly not the person he expected to see tonight, but he thought that the odds must be in his favor after all. Damon looked as if he saw a ghost. For all those years, he must have thought that all that remained of Enzo were his ashes, scattered around the hell that was the Augustine prison. After all, he was the one who walked away to the image of the flames and his mate's cries for help.

"Surprised to see me, mate?" He continued. "Come on, it's like the cat bit your tongue. Don't be shy, grab a drink with me. Let's catch up. It's been what? 50 years?" He made his invitation in a husky voice, clearly entertained by the oddness of the events. As the two old acquaintances sat down at the bar, Enzo placed his arm around Damon's shoulder and pulled him closer as he dismissed the waitress after grabbing the whole bottle of scotch that he had previously ordered. "Just like old times, huh?" Enzo continued rambling, even though by now it could be seen on his face that he was starting to get annoyed by the lack of communication the older vampire was showing. "Say something for Christ's sake!" He yelled, smashing the hardwood in front of him with his fist. There were a million things that he wanted to say. He had plenty of time to prepare the speech he would present to Damon once he got out. There were only two things that made him not give in to temptation and turn off his humanity while imprisoned. The first was Maggie and the fact that she was somewhere out there, living her life to the fullest, away from everything that meant supernatural creatures of the night.

When dreaming about getting out, he always imagined reaching out to her, even though she'd be really old by then. All he wanted to do was thank her for reminding him that he was good all along.

The second one was Damon, the only person in this world whom he considered a friend. "We had a plan..." It only took Enzo a couple of seconds to cool down, so he was no longer angry, but rather nostalgic. "You abandoned me. You left me there to die. If only the flames caught me. But no, it would have been too easy. Dr. Withmore found me before it was too late and took me back to my cell, for another 50 years. The torture never stopped. And I never stopped thinking about you, Damon." He added, gazing straight into that pair of ocean blue eyes, waiting for him to sketch even a little sign of remorse. But Damon did not. "I was your only friend, Damon. I gave you my ratio of blood, every single day. While I was slowly degrading, you grew stronger and stronger every day. You did it for both of us. We were going to escape and seek revenge to everyone that's done us wrong, starting with those sick fucking pricks that got us locked in the first place. We were going to turn them into our little experiments, cut into their skulls like they did into ours, drain their blood, smash their eyeballs, cut into their flesh until we got to the bone, and then carry on..." Enzo continued, his facial expression lightning up as he dove deeper into his monologue. The rollercoaster of emotions that he was going through only highlighted how unstable he was, like a bomb that came closer to the explosion with every "tick tock". It was only a matter of time. "How, Damon? How could you do that to me? I WAS YOUR ONLY FRIEND!"

Song: Dog Dream [2]

I was your only friend || Enzo St. JohnWhere stories live. Discover now