Feed the Flames [X]

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The night was still young by the time Damon stopped the car's engine in the vicinity of the Whitmore campus. The dark clouds shimmered radiating colors of laser beams and the ground was vibrating with bass. The music was so loud that Enzo could barely hear his thoughts, if he had any besides the natural instinct of surviving, of feeding. Things could have been so much easier for him if he could just hit the switch and go on a killing spree, be the reaper for a change. All this youth being wasted away on the young. Partying, drinking beer in red cups, dancing until the break of dawn, without a single care in the world, oh how he longed to do that. But that ship has long sailed. Having his morals was the core of his entire being, something that hasn't been affected by being a vampire or by the centuries-long pain he's endured.

"Okay team, I say we split. Whoever finds Elena first, call me and I'll be there in a heartbeat. I want everybody to be body and soul into this rescue mission, no distractions. Understood?", Damon broke the trance, receiving rolling eyes and slight nods. "Matt, you're with Alaric, make sure he doesn't puke over his students, would you? Caroline, you're on your own, you know people here, ask around. Enzo, you're coming with me", Damon continued rambling his plan as they advanced deeper into the sea of people.

"Professor St. John?", a voice traveled around Enzo's earlobes as a silhouette approached him and tapped on his shoulder.

"Miss Carter, having a good time?", he responded as he struggled to put a smile upon his face, recognizing one of his students.

"Yeah, this party's a blast!", she exclaimed enthusiastically as she offered the professor a sip of her beer, but been rejected. "What about you? What are you doing here? I've seen professor Saltzman a couple of minutes ago but I didn't think he noticed me waving", she laughed.

"Well, let's just say he's seen better days", Enzo chuckled, looking away, waiting for this encounter to be over. "Actually long story short, I'm here with a friend. But we're just passing by", he rubbed his neck, trying to distract himself from fixating over hers and the continuous pumping source of warm blood.

"Hello there gorgeous, is there any chance you've seen Elena Gilbert around?", Damon interfered in the conversation, being charming as ever.

"Elena? Yeah, we came here together, she went to get more beer. Why are you looking for her?", Anna narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the mysterious stranger.

"I'm going to go get her back", he smirked confidently as he placed both his hands on the girl's shoulders, gazing directly into her soul. "Now could you be so kind and take me to her?", he compelled her. The girl grabbed his hand and started dragging him into the crowd.

"Hey mate, I think I'm going to go. Looks like you've got everything figured out", Enzo looked at him nervously.

"You okay, buddy? You look a little... sweaty", Damon replied with a raised brow, a little concerned about the well being of his friend, but not enough in order to abandon the mission.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little, uhm how do I put that. Let's go with hungry", Enzo closed his eyes for a spare moment in order to gain focus. "There are way too many people and way too close. I'm not used to that", his mouth drew a line.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go with this nice young lady and find Elena and I'll meet you home after?" the Salvatore asked and Enzo approved.

Lorenzo could hear the heartbeat of every person he passed by on his way to his office. The "boom boom" mixed with the music was almost hallucinating. He kept his head low, synchronized his breath, and fastened the pace until he finally reached his office and the blood supply. Once the sequin liquid tickled his throat, he left out a moan of pleasure, feeling good as new. Now all he had to do was find his way out of the campus, get a ride home, open another bottle of beer and cuddle with his book by the fireplace. "I'm too old for this", he shook his head as he mumbled under his breath, exiting his office. Once he set foot in the hallway, he could hear people shouting. It looked like an intense argument and it didn't take him long to realize who the damsel in distress was.

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