Chapter 1

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Chloes POV

1 weeks ago

"Bye mum, dad I will be intouch promise" I said as I ran out of the bourder of my pack territory.
Finally I was free.
I had left bacasue I just did not fit into my pack, they said my tempor was to bad, they where going to send my to black alley prison, and I could not go there, I would not go there.
Black alley prison is where they send the toughest and most dangerous wolfs to do time for something they did, I was going to be sent there for killing 3 of my pack members, but they where 3 sluts and they where all asking for it.

So here I am walking thought the woods making sure I don't get cought as I go thought territories, you could say I was like a wanted fugitive but...... lets not go there.

It was 5 days after I had left my pack and things were going okay I guess, I had not ran into anyone or anything. I found an old house that was not being used and i put my stuff in there, I go hunting at night and walking thought the day to make sure it's still safe, I have 4 bottles of water left, but that's ok as I found a small well, with fresh water. Other than that things where going well.
I looked at the old alarm clock on my bag it reads 8 o'clock and time for me to go hunting, walking out of the old house I sniffed the air to make sure no one was around then I changed into my big wolf, I was much bigger then normal wolfs and I had white fur with all the tips of each strand black. I loved my wolf she understood me.
stiffing the air one more time, I caught the smell of a rabbit, chasing after it I cough it without any trouble, following the trale of the rabbit I saw its tracks looked funny, its looked like the rabbit was running away from something, but I would not see any others tracks following. Great I caught a mental rabbit.
Shrugging it off i followed the tracks some more to see if they led to anyother animals i could eat.
I tracks for a good 15 minutes and found nothing, but before i could take off again i was knocked to the ground by something very big, i roled over ready to fight when i saw who it was. THE BLACK ALLLEY MEN. they had found me....


hey guys so thanks for reading my story, i hoped you enjoyed it, if there are any spelling mistakes please let me know and i will change them.

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