Chapter 14

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Stop touching me!
"Stop" I managed to whisper, I opened my eyes to shut them straight away again, fuck that's bright! I slowly opened my eyes again, this time letting them get used to the light. Once I fully opened my eyes I saw doctors, loads of nurses, where was i? All these people seemed to be rushing round, picking things up, checking machines, that where connected... To me
What the fuck!
Once one of the nurses noticed I was awake they all stopped and stared! I wanted to say something but my voice was so dry I couldn't.
So I just lay down and closed my eyes again, because even thought I have just woken up from how ever many hours I was so tired again.

"Luna" someone said as they shook me gently, who dare touch me or wake me whilst I am sleeping
"Luna" the wining voice said again, I slowly opened my eye and realised that the blind had been close and the light dimmed, fabbbb
"Here Luna I bought you some water" she help a glass of water to my mouth and I drank it all in one go, God that was good.
"What's going on" I asked
"Ohh well you see you lost a lot of blood that caused you to pass out, then your wolf needed to fix other problems like these" she said pointing to the scars on my legs and the few small ones in my wrist, they where from years ago before I became strong, before I become me.
Please say they didn't tell Charlie!! God that's all I need
"Don't worry we didn't tell alpha about these" she said just as she read my mind! Thank god
"Ehh thanks" I say awkwardly
"Ohh and those scars are from ages ago, I don't do that anymore" I said bluntly not liking to talk about it, it made me feel weak, something I'm not!
" I will let alpha know you're awake" she said and walked away.

After what felt like seconds Charlie rushed into the room, and when his eyes landed on me they softened, something I notice he does a lot.
" you stupid idiot" is the first thing that comes out his mouth, wow thanks!
"Why would you pull your arm out, do you know how worried it was, if you died I would fucking die too" he shout, what a selfie prick, how fucking dare he! He has not right to talk to me like that!
" off fuck off" is all I really can be bother to say to him right now!
I slowly get out of bed being sick of sitting here and really needing to move around, but as soon as I place my feet on the floor my legs give way and boom I'm on the floor! Carl
" what the hell, you have been out for 3 and a half weeks you can't just walk again" he shouts rushing over to me and picking me up, placing me back on the bed.
3 and a half weeks
God I've missed so much!

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