chapter 2

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it takes 2 days to get to Black alley prison and belive me i have been fighting all that way, i was sitting in a cage in the back of a big van, i had 5 guards around me all where black. Growing again as i trying to break the cage they just glared at me and injected me with some more body numbing, which means you are awake but can't move.

finally the van came to a stop, they opened the cage put cuffs around me feet and wrists, as they carried me into the prison. it was to dark out side to see what it looked like, but with my night vison i could see it was a tall building and to tell you the truth i was scared to go in it!!

"place your finger into the ink then onto the paper" the old fat lady sitting behind the text said to me, i placed my singer onto the spongy palet that had the ink on it, then she grabbed my finger and placed it in a pice of paper and roled it around.
"there you go, now just go into that room and the i will get you your clothes" she siad pointing to a door. I walking into the lettle room, it had a small table with a few brown paper bags on it, then at the back of the there was like an etra wall, which i am assuming i got dressed behind, The woman come into the room with a brown paper bag in her hands like the one on the table except this one was full of orange clothes.

"Go behind there and put these on" the police woman said pointing to the extra wall sticking out for me to get changed behind. As I placed the Orange clothes on I looked down on my body, the Orange clot here where to big and made me look fat.
"Okay now put you clothes in this bag, then you jewellery in this one" she said pointing to each bag, after I has filled the bags but made sure to keep my knife in my bra, another's police officer came in wearing blue gloves, he took my clothes away, then I was hand cuffed.
"Let's get you to your cell and you can settle in" I did not want to settle in
"Ohh don't worry I am not planning on staying long" I spat back giver her a fake smile, she just shoved me into the main part of the prison. We passed the woman's section of the prison and I looked over my shoulder at the office as if she was mad
"Ehh you have gone pass the door" I pointed out
"Ohh I know, you are going to the high security section"
Wait what I am going where.

Alpha's prison MateWhere stories live. Discover now