Chapter 15

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You know when you look at the same 4 walls for so long you begin to think you are losing your mind? Yeah well that's how I feel right now! Charlie won't let me leave the hospital so I have to stay here, being bored, with nothing to do whilst I 'build up my strength again' his words not mine!
I can now finally walk and I actually have not missed that much in the 3 weeks just 1 pack meeting which I would not have gone to anyway and a worried Charlie, who has been to see me everyday, he someone just nips in to see if I'm okay, but sometime he sits and talks to me, keeping me from getting bored!
Today is actually the day I can get out of this horrible hospital bed and get my own room, be able to wear normal clothes not just my pyjamas all day! And eat junk food, which the nurses said I was not aloud to eat! "You ready?" Charlie asks as he picks up my medical sheet, reading it over again for about the 5th time actually making sure I am fit to go home!
Thank god the nurse made a new one and didn't add the bit about my scars and thing on it, just about my arm, which now has a massive scar going from my elbow to my wrist! "Yeah let's get out of this place" I jump off the bed after putting my shoes on and walk to the door, not forgetting to pick up the massive teddy Charlie got me so I would not be lonely the days he could not come!
Things have been looking up for me and Charlie, we don't argue that much anymore and sometime we actually have good conversations and get along! Like to see how long that lasts!
"Can I got for a run" I randomly ask as we get to the car
"No! 100% not" he says sharply
"What the fuck why?"
"You have just got out of hospital if you shift and go for a 'run' you will properly try to run off, or something bad will happen!" He says simply gripping the steering wheel so tight his hands are going white! "Come on please!! You can come with" I beg, I really need a run, to let my wolf out!
"Maybe another time" he said putting the radio on
I look out the window all the way home, not saying a word to him or just giving him the cold shoulder when he asks if I wanted anything to eat!
When we finally get home I get straight out the car and head into the house!
Looks like thing being good between me and Charlie didn't last long at all

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