Chapter 6

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He's been in Tokyo for two days before he turns his phone back on. There's a slew of text messages and voicemails left by his mother and brother as well as some from Yamaguchi. He's curled up in Kuroo's bed while the older man sits at his desk doing an assignment that he has due after the break. The silence between them is comfortable. He figures that enough time has passed for him to be able to answer without crying anymore.

Yamaguchi: Akiteru has been blowing up my phone. Are you okay? Where are you?

Tsukishima: I'm in Tokyo.

The reply comes right away.

Yamaguchi: Tokyo??????


Tsukishima: my dad and I had a disagreement. I had to get away.

Yamaguchi: Where are you staying??

Tsukishima: With some Nekoma alum

Yamaguchi: You're with Kuroo??

Tsukishima feels his face warm. Had he been that obvious? He glances at Kuroo's back and his stupid wild hair and has to admit to himself that at least in his first year when they saw a lot of Kuroo he probably didn't do much to control his feelings.

Tsukishima: Yes he and Kozume-san let me stay at their apartment.

Yamaguchi: What about when break is over?

Tsukishima: I will have to speak with Akiteru and see.

Yamaguchi: My parents love you. You can stay here.

Tsukishima: There's still a lot of time til graduation.

Yamaguchi: I don't care.

Tsukishima: I will talk to Akiteru first.

"Who you texting?" Kuroo has spun his chair around and now sits facing the bed. Tsukishima sits up and pulls one of the pillows onto his lap...




"What's he want?"

"To know where I am."

"You didn't tell him?" Kuroo has that overly concerned look in his eyes again and Tsukishima feels guilty.

"I... didn't tell anyone." He admits, staring at his phone. Kuroo blinks a few times.

"Tsukki! Why wouldn't you tell anyone?? What if they think you got kidnapped or something. Someone could make a police report!"

"My father said I was dead to him... I didn't want to turn my phone on and admit that to anyone..."

"You told me..."

"You're not just anyone." Tsukishima blushes when he realizes what he just said. Kuroo eyes him carefully then slides the chair closer to the bed and leans towards him.

"I know it's scary Tsukki." He reaches out and places a hand on Tsukishima's knee. "But your friends care about you. They won't judge you... and you should give your brother the benefit of the doubt. He is your family after all."

Tsukishima scoots towards the edge of the bed and Kuroo pulls him into his arms. They've both gotten used to being close over the past few days. While Tsukishima's not usually one for physical affection he's found himself leaning on Kuroo more and more for support. He lets his head drop onto Kuroo's shoulder and closes his eyes.

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