Chapter 16

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"You know the weirdest thing happened at work today," Tsukishima said as he looked over the clothes in his closet. Kuroo was lounging on his bed with his arms behind his head. Tsukishima wasn't proud of his dorm and while part of him wished that Kuroo had warned him before showing up he was also glad to see the dark-haired man.

"Oh, what was it?" Kuroo had a mischievous look on his face and Tsukishima was pretty sure he knew what he was talking about.

"Well I thought it was kind of odd that I wasn't scheduled to work this weekend, I haven't had a weekend off in like a year."

"More like a century. You haven't had any time for me," Kuroo pouts.

"Don't be a baby Kuroo-san. Anyway, I went to check the schedule, and apparently, I had requested this weekend off. Which I feel like I'd definitely remember. So I checked my email and what do you know but I found that I had emailed my boss the last time I was at your house. I just can't seem to remember having done that at all."

"Mm, that is weird. Maybe you sleep emailed."

"Maybe I need to change the password on my phone," Tsukishima shoots back. He takes a couple of shirts from his closet and folds them neatly into his suitcase.

"Yeah well 1711 isn't really the most secure password," Kuroo teases. Tsukishima thinks about it for a moment and then sighs.

"God, Akaashi and Bokuto were right..."

"What? What did they say?" Kuroo sat up a bit and tugged on Tsukishima's sleeve to get him to sit on the bed.

"Oh nothing really, something about how you were the worst."

"Hey! Only you're allowed to tell me I'm the worst," Kuroo argued. Tsukishima smirked a bit and then leaned into Kuroo's side.

"Then maybe you should stop being the worst then," Kuroo wrapped one arm around Tsukishima's waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"I'll do my best, Moonshine"

"Yeah right," Tsukishima flicked his nose before getting up again and continuing to pack. "Are you going to just sit there and bug me all day? This isn't even your school I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be in the dorms."

"I'm gonna do whatever it takes to spend more time with you obviously. We'd be less likely to get caught if you'd hurry up and finish packing already. Just sleep at my place tonight so we don't have to worry about rushing for the train."

"I already told you I'd stay with you. But I need to pack and tidy up the dorm first." Tsukishima pulls a hoodie from one of the drawers beneath his bed and realizes that he's pretty sure it had been Kuroo's at one point. He folds it quickly and sticks it into his suitcase.

"Kinda surprised that you're so cool about all this uh... clutter." Kuroo eyes the piles of clothes and other random items that litter the floor, creeping over onto Tsukishima's side of the room.

"It's disgusting. I can't stand being in here with him and they won't let me move dorms. I hardly sleep when he's around. Not to mention he's back with his girlfriend and apparently, I'm supposed to be fine with them fooling around while I'm in the room."

"Should we fool around while he's in the room then?" Kuroo asks with a sly smile. Tsukishima shoots him a glare.

"And have him announce to the whole campus that I'm gay? Hard pass. I'd probably get expelled," Tsukishima's face scrunches up in disgust as he pictures it, imagining his classmates and teachers shunning him, throwing slurs at him as he walks across the campus. His boss's face as he fires him.

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