Chapter 9

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Tsukishima dreamed of a bed made of clouds, of warm hands against bare skin and lips moving over his body. Exploring, tasting, marking with teeth. He dreamed of sweet words whispered in a deep voice and golden eyes that looked at him like he was a treasure. He never wanted it to stop. He begged for more with a breathless voice.

Strong arms pressing him into the mattress and a leg between his thighs. It was too much and not enough all at once and his lips moved, calling out the name that sat on the tip of his tongue as their bodies moved together in the clouds.

"Tet... Tetsurou," Tsukishima gasps and presses closer to the leg slotted between his own. There's a sharp intake of breath and then Kuroo's moving away from him. Tsukishima whines a bit at the loss of warmth and opens his eyes. His body is still fogged with sleep and he looks up at Kuroo through his blurred vision.

The room is lit with the pre-dawn light streaming through the windows. Even without the help of his glasses, he can see that Kuroo's eyes are darker and his lips are parted. It takes a few seconds for Tsukishima's brain to catch up with what's happened. He sits up quickly and scurries away so fast that he doesn't see the edge of the bed. Kuroo reacts quickly, catching Tsukishima's wrist to keep him from falling.

Tsukishima's face is burning with embarrassment. He doesn't know how much of his dream had bled into the real world but it's clear from Kuroo's face that he knows what happened. He knows what Tsukishima was dreaming about.

"Tsukki," He starts. Tsukishima pulls his wrist out of Kuroo's grasp and jumps up from the bed, stumbling a bit when the blanket catches his ankle but he catches himself and rushes to the bathroom locking himself in. He sits against the door and pulls his legs to his chest, resting his head against his knees. There's a soft knock against the bathroom door but Tsukishima ignores it. He can't face Kuroo like this.

After a while, there's a shuffling sound outside the door and then a thud as a body drops against it. "Are you dead Tsukishima?" Kenma's tired voice comes through the door. Tsukishima figures that Kuroo must have woken him up and somehow that makes him feel worse.

"No." He answers.

"Kuroo thinks we're out of something..." Kenma yawns. "He's going to the store... " Kenma's footsteps shuffle away from the door and everything is silent again. Tsukishima feels even more guilty. His stupid crush has inconviniencing all of them. He stands up and slips out of the bathroom. Kuroo's shoes are gone from their spot by the front door so Tsukishima makes his way back to the bedroom and finds some clothes. He brings them back to the bathroom and takes a cold shower.

He knows that he's going to have to face Kuroo soon. He's not supposed to go back to Miyagi until tomorrow but he's definitely considering doing it today. It'd be easier. But he's not quite ready to leave Kuroo's apartment yet. He's not ready to face everything back at Karasuno. His brother will have gotten his stuff from his parent's house. Most of it will have to be stored because there's not enough room at Tadashi's. His teammates will have questions. They'll want to know why he's living with the captain now. He wonders how long he'll be able to put off telling anyone.

Kuroo must come back at some point while he's in the shower. He comes out to the smell of breakfast being cooked and Kuroo's voice humming in the kitchen. He knows that if he walks into the kitchen now he'll see Kuroo with his stupid bedhead, probably wearing sweats and an apron and it will feel weirdly domestic, or it would have if Tsukishima hadn't had that stupid dream. He takes off his glasses and cleans them off on his borrowed t-shirt. He wonders if he could get away with taking something of Kuroo's back to Miyagi with him, would it be weird?

"Breakfast Tsukki." Kuroo's voice calls out in its usual cheerful way. Tsukishima takes a deep breath and steps into the kitchen. He was right, Kuroo is wearing his stupid cat print apron.

"Don't call me that," he mumbles as he takes a seat at the table. Kuroo spins around with a bowl in each hand and his stupid Cheshire grin in place.

"Come on Tsukki. I thought we had passed this already." He puts the bowls down on the table then gets two glasses and a carton of juice from the fridge. Tsukishima picks up his chopsticks and plays with them a bit.


"Hey, Tsukki. Don't worry about it okay?" Kuroo's hand rests on Tsukishima's shoulder for just a moment before he sits down across from him. Tsukishima feels his face heat up again.

"Sorry..." He mumbles anyway before he starts to eat. Kuroo's foot brushes against his under the table and then stays there. Somehow it's comforting. 

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