Chapter 4

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Tsukishima wakes up hoping that it had all been a dream. That his parents would be down in the kitchen and they didn't know the truth. That he hadn't run off to Tokyo and embarrassed himself in front of Kuroo. But when he opens his eyes he's in an unfamiliar bed in a dark unfamiliar room. There's a bunch of blankets piled on top of him. He feels like an idiot.

It takes him a few minutes to fully pull himself out of his sleep, he still feels exhausted from the emotional toll the days events had taken on him. He feels around blindly until he finds his glasses on the table next to the bed. It had been before noon when he'd gotten to Kuroo's apartment, and since it was dark outside now he figured he'd missed most of the day. He wonders how annoyed Kuroo is with the disruption to his normal life. It's only a matter of time before he overstays his welcome. He figures he'll get it over with quicker and heads out of the room.

He comes across the living room first and finds Kenma sitting on the couch with a video game in his hands. The former setter raises his head and his bright calculating eyes seem to scan over Tsukishima.

"Kenma did you-" Kuroo walks in from what Tsukishima expects is the kitchen. He's wearing an apron, and if Tsukishima wasn't feeling so miserable he'd probably have laughed at it. Kuroo follows Kenma's gaze to where Tsukishima stands and he gives him a gentle smile. "Tsukki you're up."

"We need ice cream Kuroo," Kenma drops his gaze back to his game.

"Ice cream?" Kuroo tilts his head to the side a bit and looks over Tsukishima. "I can go pick some up real quick. What flavor do you like Tsukki?"

"Oh... No, I um... I'm sorry to have imposed on you like this. I should have contacted you before I just dropped in." Tsukishima bows a bit as he apologizes.

"Don't even think about it Tsukki." Kuroo closes the distance between them and pulls the blonde into a hug. Tsukishima is stiff at first but the emotions of the day are still swirling around inside him and Kuroo is warm and he smells good. Tsukishima can't help but melt against him. "It's late. You've clearly had an upsetting day. Stay here tonight and tomorrow we'll figure out what comes next. You aren't a bother at all."

Tsukishima grips Kuroo's shirt and hides his face in the older man's neck. He tells himself that he's not going to cry anymore. He swears he's done crying, there's no way he could have any tears left. Yet his eyes still burn and his shoulders still shake. Kuroo tightens his grip.

"Dinner is ready. You and Kenma eat and I'll go to the store. What flavor of ice cream do you want?" Kuroo rubs his back soothingly as he speaks. Tsukishima definitely does not sniffle.

"I like strawberry," He mumbles. He can feel Kuroo's smile against his temple.

"Strawberry it is." Kuroo gives him one more squeeze before he lets go and moves back. He takes off the apron and drops it onto Kenma's head and then he's gone just like that. Tsukishima isn't sure what he's feeling.

With a long-suffering sigh, Kenma pulls the apron off his head and gets up from the couch. His eyes drift to Tsukishima for a moment before he wanders into the kitchen. Tsukishima hesitates for a moment then follows him.

"Plates are in the top cabinet," Kenma instructs. He's standing at the stove stirring what smells like curry. Tsukishima looks in the cabinet that the shorter man had indicated and finds some plates. He sets them on the counter and waits for Kenma to tell him what to do yet. Neither of them speaks, but Tsukishima finds something about it comforting. They both serve themselves from the pot on the stove and then sit across from each other at the table to eat. Tsukishima hadn't realized how hungry he was until just that moment. He realizes that the last time he ate had been in the morning and then he hadn't been able to finish his food.

The reminder makes him pause with his spoon halfway to his mouth as his eyes start to burn again with unshed tears. Kenma watches him then picks up his own plate and leans across the table pushing the rest of his food onto Tsukishima's plate. The movement brings him back to the present and he starts to eat again. Kenma picks up his game and plays it.

"It's alright to be whatever," he says. Tsukishima looks at him curiously and Kenma lets out another long sigh. " Whatever you are. It's okay. We don't care. It happened to Lev last year... but his parents are Japanese and Russian so it didn't go well. He was dating Yaku. Had to go live with his sister."

"Oh... the tall kid."


"... Wasn't Yaku your libero?"

"Mm yeah. He was in Kuroo's class,"

"Oh, so.... His sister accepted him?"


"I see..." Tsukishima stares at his plate and thinks about his brother. Would he accept Tsukishima this way? "How did you know?"

"You and Kuroo are always flirting when you're together.... You would have gone to one of your teammates if it was something else." Kenma shrugs and Kuroo feels a flush creep up his neck.

"We... we didn't flirt."

"Kuroo did." Kenma gets up and brings his plate to the kitchen. He stands in front of the sink with it and considers the dish soap before just putting it in the sink and going back to the table. Tsukishima eats a few more bites to give himself time to think. 

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