Chapter 18

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It's all Tetsu's fault really, Tsukishima thinks idly as he examines himself in the mirror. He feels ridiculous in these clothes and he can't decide if he'd rather wear his glasses or the contacts that he'd bought specifically for today. If it had been up to him they probably wouldn't even be doing this. He'd rather have just signed the papers and been done but Kuroo had insisted that they needed to do things properly, surrounded by their family and friends. It was a little too much for Tsukishima's taste but Kuroo had begged and like always Tsukishima had given in and agreed to go along with whatever the older man had wanted.

Behind him Yamaguchi is flitting around the dressing room in a panic about some last-minute detail he doesn't think is going to be as perfect as it was supposed to while Akaashi sits in an armchair with one leg crossed over the other and a glass of champagne in hand, looking like the physical embodiment of calm.

"Glasses, it's more you," Akaashi says. Yamaguchi freezes then and looks at Tsukishima with his head tilted to the side.

"Yeah... No offense but you look kinda weird without them at this point Tsukki."

"You guys couldn't have said that when I ordered the damn contacts?"

"Sorry Tsukki," Yamaguchi doesn't sound sorry at all. He hops over to the mirror and tries in vain to get his cowlick to stay down. Tsukishima lets out a long sigh and adjusts his bowtie once more, he's pretty sure it's not going to look straight no matter what he does.

"Can't I just go without this?" he complains as he tugs it off once again. He should have just bought a tie instead.

"I think it could look okay without it. Not as formal though," Yamaguchi looks Tsukishima over thoughtfully. Tsukishima already knew that Yamaguchi would be useless for fashion advice so he ignores the brunette and turns to face Akaashi instead. Akaashi sips his champagne then shakes his head.

"Too risky. You know how Kuroo is about your neck," he points out. Tsukishima lets out a long sigh and pulls up his collar to try and put the tie on once again.

"Why should I have to suffer just because Tetsu can't control himself? If it's so important than you try and get this stupid thing straight Akaashi,"

"I'm sure no one will mind if you take it off at the party later Tsukki," Yamaguchi moves off to the side to make room. Akaashi takes the bowtie from Tsukishima and then turns him back to face the mirror. He puts it around Tsukishima's neck and ties it perfectly in no time at all.

"There, problem solved. Was that really so hard?" Akaashi asks.

"Wow, Akaashi-san! You're like an expert at that!" Yamaguchi is bouncing again.

"Bokuto is useless when it comes to wearing a tie. I've had plenty of practice." Akaashi picks up his champagne glass once again and finishes off the last of it.

"Guess Kuroo-san is in trouble then. Doesn't he only wear clip-on ties to work Tsukki?"

"Yes, and they're awful. Akaashi you may want to swing over there and make sure he wears a proper one. If I've got to wear this dumb thing then so does he," Tsukishima picks up his own glass of champagne and takes a sip to calm his nerves. He really hates being the center of attention.

"I guess I should check and make sure Bokuto is behaving anyway..." Akaashi sighs and then slips out of the room. Tsukishima looks at himself in the mirror once again and tries to figure out how he could have let Kuroo talk him into this. It's not like they could actually get married, but the partnership certificate would at least give them some more benefits. Plus having the ceremony gave Kuroo an excuse to throw a big party which he always loved to do.

"Are you excited Tsukki?" Yamaguchi sits down on the chair that Akaashi had vacated and fidgets with his hair some more.

"Excited..." Tsukishima touches the silver ring on his hand, twisting it around to run his finger over the inscription. "I can't stand big events like this... Especially when so many people are going to be looking at me. Tetsurou though... I'd do anything to make him happy. I'm excited to be with him for the rest of our lives."

"You're not worried..? About your parents?" Tsukishima takes a deep breath at the mention.

"Akiteru is here already. Tetsurou's mother and grandfather are here too. Not to mention I have you. That's all the family I need." he slips off his ring and hands it to Yamaguchi, "Make sure not to lose that before the end of the ceremony."

"I wouldn't lose it Tsukki! I'd be a terrible best man if I did," The alarm on Yamaguchi's phone goes off then. The two friends look at each other for a moment before Tsukishima nods and heads out of the room.

"I won't be Tsukishima after this. You'll have to call me something else," The blonde reminds his friend. Yamaguchi hums thoughtfully.

"Well, I can't call you both Kuroo... So you'll always be Tsukki to me... Oh but if you don't want to be a Tsukishima anymore maybe... I could call you Kei?" he asks. Tsukishima shrugs his shoulders.

"Fine by me, but you'll have to get Tetsu's permission too. He's pretty stingy."

"Ugh, you're right. Kuroo is the worst." Yamaguchi and Tsukishima grin at each other before entering the main and going to take their places at the end of the aisle where Akaashi already waited for them. This whole western wedding idea was Kuroo's in the first place, so there was no way in hell that Tsukishima was going to be the one to walk down the aisle. Kuroo was a total groomzilla anyway so he could do more of the work. Tsukishima straightened out his black suit jacket one more time then turned to watch as the music started playing and the doors opened.

Kuroo's grin was even bigger than usual. His normally wild black hair had finally been tamed and slicked back out of Kuroo's face, though his bangs were already starting to slip loose. Tsukishima couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he watched his husband approach him. 

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