Chapter 5

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Tsukishima's not really sure what happened to his plan to leave their apartment and find somewhere else for the night. Instead, he finds himself sitting on the couch between Kuroo and Kenma with a pint of strawberry ice cream and watching all of the Jurassic Park movies. He's having trouble focusing though. Kuroo's arm rests on the back of the couch behind him and every now and then his fingers absently play with the curls on the back of Tsukishima's neck.

"I'm going to bed," Kenma announces as he stands up. Tsukishima leans forward to set the empty pint on the coffee table then draws his knees up and wraps his arms around them. Kenma disappears into what he assumes is his bedroom and somehow Tsukishima gets the idea that the former setter won't actually be going to sleep. Kuroo's arm wraps around Tsukishima's shoulders and pulls him into his side. He jumps a bit and turns to look at the raven-haired man.


"I won't force you to talk about anything you're not ready to talk about. You're welcome to stay here as long as you feel you need to." Kuroo turns his head to flash a small smile at him and Tsukishima tries to ignore how close their faces are now. "As your cool mentor, it's my job to make sure I take care of you after all."


"What? You're not even gonna deny me as your mentor? That's cold Tsukki. Where's my usually little bundle of grump?" Kuroo teases.

"Sorry. It's just been a long day." Tsukishima sighs and lets himself lean more heavily into Kuroo's side.

"You don't have to apologize for anything."

"I just showed up here with no warning... We hardly know each other. You didn't have to let me in."

"Shut up Tsukki. We're friends duh. I'd never turn you away." The word friend sits weirdly in Tsukishima's stomach.

"Thank you Kuroo-san."

"Ugh stop with the san. Just call me Kuroo oh or Tetsurou."

"I'll stick with Kuroo-san."

"Boo, you suck Tsukki." Kuroo lifts his hand and ruffles the blonde's hair playfully. Tsukishima tries to look annoyed but he really kind of likes the feel of the fingers in his hair. He feels himself dozing again and nestles a bit into Kuroo's side as the fingers turn from playful to gentle and he can feel himself starting to doze.


"Yeah Tsukki?"

"Do you... " He rethinks his words and then shakes his head. "I told my parents this morning... That I liked... That I am... attracted to men." Kuroo's hand paused for a moment and then his fingers returned to carding through Tsukishima's hair.

"Did you get hurt?"

"My dad slapped me... " Tsukishima brought his hand up to cover his cheek, remembering the shock. Kuroo's free hand came up to cover his own. "It doesn't hurt anymore... I just... wasn't expecting... I thought... No, I didn't think..."

"Stay here for the break. We'll take our time and figure things out slowly." Kuroo's voice is gentle and it leaves a warm feeling spreading through Tsukishima.

"Thank you... Tetsurou." Tsukishima closes his eyes and lets himself sleep once again.

He's not sure how long he sleeps but when he opens his eyes again the movie is over and his glasses are gone. Kuroo helps him sit up and keeps a hand on his shoulder as he gets up himself before stretching his arms out wide. Tsukishima's glasses rest on top of his head buried in the crazy bedhead hairstyle.

"Come on Tsukki time for bed." Kuroo takes his hands and pulls him to his feet.

"My glasses."

"I've got them here. You didn't bring very much stuff, do you have clothes to sleep in?"

"Probably... I don't really remember packing."

"Why don't you go get cleaned up. I'll check your bag and then put some clothes outside the bathroom for you." Kuroo takes the glasses off his head and puts them on Tsukishima carefully before putting his hands on his shoulders and guiding him to where the bathroom is. Tsukishima mutters his thanks and then goes in and takes a long shower. Letting the hot water release some of the tension from his muscles. He gets out when he's done and dries off with a towel. There's a pile of clothes sitting on the counter and his face flushes as he realizes Kuroo must have put them there while he was showering. The sweatpants he recognizes as his own but the shirt he figures must be Kuroo's because he doesn't recognize it.

He finds Kuroo in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner once he's dressed. He's taller than Kuroo by a lot now but he's still just as skinny as ever and Kuroo's shirt hangs off him loosely. The older man turns to smile at him and pauses for a moment to look him over.

"Feel a little better now?" He asks, his voice sounds a little breathless. Tsukishima chews his lip nervously.

"Yes, thank you Kuroo-san."

"Ah, we're back to Kuroo-san again." Kuroo smiles at him fondly. "Do you feel like you could sleep still? Or should we pop another movie in?"

"I'm sorry... I think everything has just drained me. I feel like I could sleep for a week."

"I get that. No worries. Go ahead and get comfortable. I'll go to sleep once I finish up soon."

"Um... Where... Should I sleep?"

"Oh! Right sorry. Go ahead and take the bed again."

"What? No, I couldn't kick you out of your bed."

"It's fine Tsukki. I'll set up a futon for myself." Kuroo waves him off and turns back to the dirty dishes.

"We could... Both just sleep in the bed." Tsukishima suggests nervously. "It wasn't... terrible earlier."

"Oya? Not terrible? Why Tsukishima I'm honored to receive your high praise." Kuroo laughs.

"Shut up." Tsukishima wraps his arms around his waist and glares at the wall. Kuroo glances at him with a grin.

"Go get some sleep Tsukki. I'll be there in a bit."

"Okay..." Tsukishima hesitates for a moment longer and then he finds his way back to Kuroo's bedroom. Kuroo must have tidied up while he was in the shower because the spare blankets have been moved to sit on top of the dresser and Tsukishima's bag is placed on a chair. He wants to look around the room more but he decides to put his glasses on the nightstand instead before crawling into bed. He lays on the side that Kuroo had put him on earlier and pulls the blankets up to his chin trying not to think about it too hard. It doesn't take long before Kuroo comes into the room. He's changed into pajamas himself and he slides right into the bed, laying on his side so he's facing Tsukishima.

"Sweet dreams Tsukki." His voice is nearly a purr and goosebumps appear on Tsukishima's skin. He turns his back to Kuroo and tries to keep his voice normal.

"Good night Kuroo-san."

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