Be Free

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(Play until you reach the end of this chapter )

Chapter 6

Alesa's POV


"What are we going to do with her?" Ryan asks the others.

"I don't know," Jessica says. She walks up to me. "I suppose that her little boyfriend will have to stand by and watch this happen,"

Adam pulls on his chains, grunting in pain while trying to get to me.

"Leave her alone Jessica!" He shouts. Jessica starts laughing and starts walking towards Adam.

"Adam, may I remind you, that your life is hanging by a thread. And we are in control of whether you should either die, or live. But live in complete suffering, knowing that you can't save your precious, precious Alesa. And you've been talking about her to Seto haven't you?"

"Seto?" I ask. I turn to him. "Seto? What has he been saying about me?"

"Well, he talked about you to me one day. And he says that, when you and him were dating, you were the most beautiful girl he has ever met. Inner and outer beauty. He has had a crush on you in high school, but then there was the whole Dawn situation and then all that shit happened. And then when he saw you again at the New Years Party, his whole high school experience came right back to him.

"And well, then you know what happened, official couple, yada yada yada. And well Adam says that he was so happy that he has found a woman that loves him for himself, not what he has. And he loves you. He really does. He wanted to propose to you, this New Years, but he never could since he was forced to join us, he never could."

"Wait, I still don't understand, why did Adam shove me down, and when did he join you?"

"Ryan offered Adam a long time ago, for god knows why and Adam's insomnia got the best of him. I guess his restless mind drove him to us,"

"It's sad but true," Adam says.

"Adam you were going to propose?"

"Yeah. I kinda can't right now due to the both us in these shakles,"

"Okay enough touchy moments," Jessica says. "Seto, you stay with them." Seto nods his head and Jessica leaves.

Seto checks to make sure Jessica is out of sight and rushes over to Adam.

"What are you doing?"

"Letting you go!" Seto says unlocking Adam's shackles.

Adam grabs the keys from Seto's hand.

"Thank you Seto," Adam says.

"SETO!" Ryan shouts from the other side of the house. Seto nods and leaves the room.

Adam limps to me and he unlocks my shackles. I embrace him, feeling the familiar warmth of his hugs.

I missed them. I needed them so much lately and now I finally have him back to myself.

"Seto what the fuck is wrong with you?" I hear Jessica's voice coming in strong from the halls. Adam looks at the window that a few feet away from me and he opens the curtains and he lifts me up and out the window.

"Adam what the hell are you doing?" I ask.

"Be free Alesa," He says. He turns to the door frame. "Run." He says before shutting the window.

I put my back against the wall next to the window so I can at least hear what Adam's fate will be.


"She's free." Adam says.

"You piece of SHIT! Seto! Give that to me!" She shouts. I hear a knife being drawn.

I hold back a gasp.

Adam screams and I hear the faintest sound of a knife piercing human flesh.

I smack a hand to my mouth and let my tears flow down my face.

I hear a gunshot.

Then a body collapsing to the floor.

The tears stream down my face hard.

Adam sacrificed himself for me.

A debt I'll never be able to repay.

I start to run.

I run out of the front yard and down the street. I notice huge slashes against my legs just now.

I ignore the feeling of blood running down my flesh and start to run towards where the skyscrapers peak out of the small houses.

I'm feeling faint.

My arms and legs are completely covered in blood and dripping off of me.

The world is spinning. I look up at the sky and see Adam perfectly healed, Ty, and my dad. All completely cleaned of all wounds.

Adam holds his hand out to me as angel wings appear from his and spread out.

"I love y-you."

And I collapse.


Talk about a Adesa make up huh?

Sort of...


Well, I'm making a journal soon you all can check out soon (haven't released it yet) and so I don't have to bore you all with my life.


So leave a vote if you enjoyed, comment your thoughts and leave a follow for more fan-fictions and chapter and all that good stuff!


Keep calm and read on!


~Nat (>人<;)

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