Chapter 24

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       I wake up to the roar of a large crowd. My eyes snap open and I look around in confusion. How the actual flying fuck? How the hell did I end up here? Wasn't I with Drazik? I definitely was. Orgasms were had, he carried me back to bed, and I feel asleep? Realization dawns on me then. Godsdamned magic must have put me in another dream somehow. 

       I look around and frown, none of this is familiar to me. Last time I was transported to one of my earlier memories there was an undercurrent of familiarity but not this time. I look around at the sand arena stretching out around me and the spectators cheering loudly in the stands. I have been in fighting arenas much like this one in the past, if my flashes of memories are to be trusted, but it was much smaller than this arena and had been kept up a little better. This place is run down at best. The haphazardly constructed metal cage that surrounds me is rusted and dented with stains scattered across it and the sand isn't groomed at all. Instead, it's filled with debris from the crowd around us. 

        A loud metal creak has my head snapping up and I watch as a large figure is pushed through the gate. He stumbles before righting himself and I watch as the cuffs on his wrists fall away with a flash of light and a popping noise. He straightens and a jolt of shock passes through me. I know this man. His large muscular frame is tense like he's waiting for something to happen and I can't help but move closer to him. As I get closer his squared jaw line, deep ocean blue eyes, and black hair come into focus and I gasp. This isn't my dream at all, it's Drazik's. 

       His hair isn't in his usual cropped fashion though. It hangs in a messy thick cascade that reaches just past his shoulders. It's thick and glossy but matted in some areas like he hasn't had access to a shower or a brush in quite some time. As I get closer I see that the clothes he's wearing are threadbare and stained while his usual hulking figure is skinnier than I've ever seen it. He's still massive and muscles are still prevalent throughout his body thanks to being a shifter but they have more of a wiry consistency due to lack of food. 

        Rage bubbles up inside me at the state of him and I feel my magic answer the call, sparking to life at my fingertips. I take a deep breath and force myself to calm down. I am in a dream and somewhere I'm safe and asleep next to Drazik, I can't let my magic lash out and possibly hurt him. I walk until I'm directly in front of him before stopping and looking up. His eyes though are glued on the gate opposite from the one he came in through, completely unaware of my presence. 

         I don't want him to have to relive whatever fight is about to happen so I quickly reach up and place both of my hands on his chest and close my eyes. I brush at the magic within me and visualize myself, hoping that I can make myself visible to him. My eyes snap open when I hear a low growl and I look up into deep ocean blue eyes. 

        "You can't be here." He forces out, "You're not supposed to be here."

        "Draz, you're dreaming. Please, snap out of it. You don't need to fight. You're safe now, remember? We're both in bed, snuggled up at Miriam's house." I tell him in my softest voice.

         His eyes focus on me more intensely and I watch as he slowly comes back to himself. Panic replaces the confusion and he quickly hauls me into him, wrapping his arms around me. 

         "We need to get out of here." He buries his nose in my hair and inhales deeply, "I don't want you to see me like this." He confesses, his voice shaky and vulnerable. 

         "Then bring us somewhere else." I tell him, "Imagine somewhere else and take us there." 

          I listen as he takes a fortifying breath before his body relaxes slightly and I watch as the scene around us dissolves before reforming into a thick forest, the sound of running water and bird calls replacing that of a jeering crowd. His hold on me relaxes and I push back enough to look up at him. He's looking like himself once again and I smile before looking around in awe.

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