Chapter 14

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       I have decided that I do not like planes. Did I like the idea of planes? Of course I did. Just like any child can't wait to fly for the first time, I couldn't either. When I was in the weird paeudo-veil I regularly jumped off of tall buildings, cliffs, and bridges just for the momentary sensation of flying. What? I couldn't die again so it really was just for fun. So yeah, I was excited to say the least but then I saw the contraptions for the first time and all I have to say is, well, fuck me. 

       So here I am, sitting in one of the loud sky sausages as the guys all sit casually around me without a care in the world as the engines power up. I'm acutely reminded of how mortal of a body I am currently in. I know nothing about this sky contraption. How does it stay up in the sky? Did they make sure to fill the tank before leaving? What if there's a storm? This one is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. Emerson called it a private jet but to me it's simply a mini sky sausage waiting to rupture. I do not want to die two weeks into living thank you very much.

       I'm nervously tapping my fingers on my leg and looking around at everything to make sure it's still in one piece when Emerson reaches over and gently grabs my hand. His calm presence eases some of the nerves I'm feeling and I look over to him. 

       "I promise the jet is safe. There's a maintenance check done on it before every flight and the pilots are the best we could find." He says. 

       That information soothes a lot more of my nerves and I smile up at him, "Thank you. I'm not used to flying in a contraption." 

        He cocks his head slightly, "What kind of flying are you used to then?" 

       "Before I was corporeal I used to jump off of bridges, cliffs, and tall buildings. I may not have been truly alive but while I was flying through the air well... I felt alive." 

        Everyone around me goes silent and I look around at all the stunned and blank faces, it's Drazik that answers first. Or should I say growl? Really, either descriptor works here. 

        "You jumped off of cliffs for fun?" He half growls half says. 

        I shrug, "Well it was fun." 

        "You will not be doing that anymore." Forrest says in a tone laced with command. 

        I roll my eyes, "Well duh." I say, "I'm corporeal now. Not trying to die within my first two weeks of living." 

        Everyone relaxes at that and everyone falls back into their previous conversation. Em goes to move his hand but I squeeze it tighter, letting him know I need this contact right now. I can feel him looking at me but the plane has started to get louder as it makes it's way faster and faster down the runway. I feel a weird lifting sensation and I close my eyes tightly, squeezing Em's hand all the while. When the air pressure evens out I let out a sigh of relief and look around. We're still in one piece and the noise level has gone down considerably. 

        I'm still anxiously bouncing my leg when Kieran smiles at me and stands up. He makes his way to a little kitchenette area and pulls something out. When he comes down he squats down in front of me and holds out a small box. My eyebrow lifts but I take it anyway. When I remove the top of the box I let out a moan when I see three pieces of chocolate sitting in the box. 

        I quickly remove my hand from Em's and all nervousness falls away as I reach for the deliciousness that's currently not in my mouth but needs to be. I take a bite of one of the darker pieces that has white crystalline bits on it and moan. There's a thick sticky filling in the middle and now I'm positive that the white stuff on the outside is salt. When I'm done with it I look around and see all of the guys staring at me. 

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