Chapter 40

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         "Well this tub could totally fit all of us." I say as I cock my head, "Well maybe just you guys but that's fine," I shrug, "I'll just sit on someones lap." I can't help but grin at that picture and when I hear a groan behind me it only grows wider. 

         We were going to show guys Forrest's new pair of wings but then we got distracted and somehow ended up here in the bathroom. Which is probably a good thing, both of us needed a good shower and I always am in need of more orgasms.

          "I can't monopolize all your time, sunshine." I turn to look at Forrest who is towel drying his hair and looking at me with heat. Then I look down his body and frown.

          "You put your clothes back on." I say with a slight pout.

          He lets out a noise that is somewhere between a chuckle and a groan, "Again, however much I wish we could just lie in bed all day, we have a dinner to get to in about an hour. Not to mention you have other mates that I'm sure are ready to bust the door down."

         Understanding that he is correct but still wanting to tease him, "Ugh fine, you're right." I say and drop the towel that was wrapped around me before walking out of the bathroom to the sound of yet another groan.

         While I wish I could lock all my men in a room for a week and institute a zero clothing policy, now is not the time for that. I don't think any of us will forget any time soon that I almost died. Not to mention the shit top side that needs fixing and while I wish I could stay in the safety of Ceto's kingdom forever, we need to get to full strength then get right back up there. Every minute we're down here is a minute more the counsel is in charge. 

        I have no idea how we're going to take them down without also causing the collapse of supernatural society as a whole to be honest. I was just floating through me space, lonely and watching the world go by, when all of a sudden I'm turned real only to find out I'm a literal demigod who is supposed to bring unity and peace. So yeah, fuck if I have any idea what I'm doing. Thank Nyx I have my guys. They know how to handle big shit like this and have the resources to do so. On my own I would have been eaten alive. You've had that happen and it's fantastic. Both my brain and greedy vagina reminds me, and they're right. It is fantastic. 

        I'm nervous for lessons with Ceto because I'm honestly worried I won't live up to what everyone's expectations of me are. What if I can't be what everyone needs me to be? What if I fail and everyone pays the price because of it? As my head races with doubts I realize that I've just been spacing out, completely naked, in the middle of the room. Before I can do anything else the door swings open and I'm all of a sudden looking at Forrest's very tense back. 

        Before I can even think about kicking ass while in the nude I see Forrest's back relax and he swings his head around to me. He looks me over then smirks before I hear a door close and he steps aside. I look at him for a second before I swing my head around to our new visitor to see that it's Dre. I smile wide and run to him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He simply stares at me with shock and hunger in his eyes. I don't mean figurative hunger, I mean he actually looks like a starving man who has just been given the best meal of his life.

       "Dinner is in an hour. I'll go see how the others are doing." Forrest says, that same smirk on his face, as he passes us and walks out the door. 

       The minute the door is shut Dre walks me across the room until my ass is on a table. He then unwraps me from himself and takes a step back. He doesn't say a single word, just runs his eyes over every inch of me. When he's finally done with that he looks me in the eye.

      "While I would love to take my time, I don't have the patience for that." He says.

      "Well then get to it." I say in a matter-of-fact voice.

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