Chapter 9

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       When we walk into the gym I'm not surprised to see Forrest already there. He must not have slept well because he is going through fight stances and doesn't even notice us walking in right away. When he does finally notice us his lips dip down slightly in a scowl. 

       "Shouldn't you be asleep?" He asks. 

       I look down at myself and over at Em, "Ah shit sorry, looks like we didn't get the right memo. Do you think we should try to force ourselves back to sleep to appease the o-so-grumpy one?" 

       Em covers his mouth with his hand in a contemplative gesture even though I know he's trying to cover a slight smile. I grin wide at his attempt to hide his amusement. He's become so much more willing to show emotions around me since I showed up. I have no idea why but I fucking love it. Eventually I'm going to break through Mr. Made of Stone and get him to let loose but I've always known that was going to be a hard road. So buckle in bitch, let's do this. 

        I know Forrest is right behind me because I can feel the heat of him. His warm stone scent makes me want to lean back into him and curl up. Which is exactly what I do. I lean back into him and I feel him stiffen before he gently grabs my arms and pulls me back to a standing position before backing up a step. I turn to him and smile. 

        "One of these days you are totally going to snuggle with me. Just you wait." I tell him. 

        He simply grunts then looks to Em who moves his head towards the door. Forrest nods then follows him out the door. I know what they'll be talking about, my nightmare that I somehow dragged Em into. Once I get some of this nervous energy out I need to ask him what he learned from that nightmare. Everything about it confused me but that was only because it was my memory. There was a bone deep terror running through me that I was unable to separate the dream from. Em on the other hand was a casual observer who probably knows more about what was going on in it then me. 

       I shake out my limbs as I feel that bone deep terror start to run through me again at the thought of the nightmare. I make my way over to the weapons cabinet and draw out a staff so I can process what happened and keep my body busy at the same time. I spin the staff around a few times to get used to the weight of it. It definitely has a different feel than the one I made when I was incorporeal but the muscle memory is still there. 

       I chuckle, "You didn't have any muscle, Raven. You can't have muscle memory if you didn't have muscle." 

       I keep spinning the staff and working through the exercises I used to do along side Em while I was a ghost. As I do that I think through the nightmare some more. The burning in my muscles outweighs the trickles of terror that still snake down my spine, making it easier to process. How many obsidian mountains could there be? I may be able to find where this memory took place and maybe find some information on who I am. Yeah, Raven, where are you going to look? Dig through the rubble that's been sitting for how long? I shake my head, dismissing the idea. 

       Asigr, I think to myself, I could start with that name. I have a sneaking suspicion he's the reason why I'm chained to a stone wall in my flashbacks. I also need to figure out what a Priest of Dolus is. I blink a few times then stop twirling the staff, groaning at my own idiocy. You have familiars, Raven. I'm sure they might know a few things. I tell myself. I'm so used to depending on no one but my self that I forget I now have people around me. 

       I rest one end of the staff on the ground and close my eyes. 

       "Hugin? Munin?" I ask in my head. 

       "Yes witchling?" They both ask in unison. 

        "Could you come out here so I could ask you some questions? It's weird asking questions in my own head." It is, I like having a face to look at when I'm speaking to something. 

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