Chapter 4

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            This is my fourth time down the hallway and I'm getting impatient. The last time I went to a club was when I met these guys, 5 years ago. The guys only go to places like Hell's Bend when it has to do with a mission. I know some of them come on their own to gather information or just keep an ear open in general but I try not to tag along for those. Mainly because after they gather information they move on to finding a woman for the night which I want no part in unless I'm that woman. I suppose that yes, I could have gone to the club by myself at any point but then who would be watching over all these lovable idiots? No one. I've gotten panicked enough times on their missions to know that at least one of them would be dead by now had I not bumped into a firearm causing it to fire wide, or accidentally move a pebble while I was trying to kick an explosive device, so on and so on. 

           "Come on guys!" I yell, "Get your handsome asses out here! Let's go!!" 

          I'm practically bouncing up at down at this point. I definitely have to keep an eye on my guys tonight due to the precarious nature of their visit but I also hope to get one dance in if possible. One of the reasons why I love clubs is because I can stand in the center of the dance floor, close my eyes, and pretend I'm a real girl. Even if it's just for the length of a song, it reminds me of what I'm working towards. A corporeal body. 

         "Okay everyone! Finish up and meet in the living room!" Forrest calls out. 

         "I totally said that already but sure by all means listen to the one with the physical body." I say, rolling my eyes. 

           Once all my guys are in the living room I rake my eyes over their bodies. They're all in the same style clothing but each has a flare of their own style. Forrest, of course, is in a pair of black slacks and a button up white shirt that's open to his chest and rolled up to his elbows. Forrest always wears the same thing, professional yet able to look relaxed in a bar setting. If anything he's a consistent bastard. What I notice the most is that the commanding air about him is always there, no matter what he wears. I'm pretty sure he could wear a onesie to the club and no one would notice. 

           Kieran is stunning in his forest green slacks, light blue button up also open at the chest and rolled up at the sleeves, and his matching brown shoes and belt. The slacks and shirt really compliment his pale skin, reddish brown hair, as well as making his vivid green eyes stand out as well. All of his clothes seem to accentuate the muscles covering his body, making it so I have to tear my eyes away from his sculpted frame to look at another. 

          Emerson is dressed in a pair of dark grey slacks and a light purple shirt that compliments his light blonde hair and amber eyes. Unlike his brothers though, his is buttoned up to his neck and down to his wrists. Most people would probably look uncomfortable but not Em. He makes it look absolutely effortless and does it while looking aristocratic. Nothing can hide his lithe beauty and grace and my mouth practically waters at the sight of him. 

         Drazik is in his usual attire of black jeans, a black t-shirt, and combat boots. Granted the jeans are his nicer pair and I think his v-neck is brand new. I smile as I look at his scuffed combat boots that never seem to leave his feet. 

       "Never change, Draz." I tell him, floating my hand over his cheek, "I love how you don't take shit from anyone. You do you and to hell with anyone else. Also are those jeans new? Because your ass looks downright delicious in them and I don't think I've had the pleasure of enjoying this view previously." I take a look at his ass again, "Yep definitely haven't." I point at him, "You've been holding out on me." 

        I turn to Leandre last and decide right there that I want nothing more than to climb that man, just like the rest of them, like a tree. His hair is worked into one massive braid that has tiny braids worked in throughout. His beard is neatly trimmed and extenuates his jaw line perfectly. His dark wash jeans hug the muscles of his legs while a simply v-neck white t-shirt allows his tattoos to stand out against his pale skin. 

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