Chapter 15

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Warning contains mentions of creepy notes,mentons of anorexia,mentons of not eating,me tons of meds (pills),mentions of demons

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out.thank you

No one's p.o.v

Nico knew what was going on, thr boys were in love,And he shipped them.

He started shipping patton ans remus when years ago he saw how close the two were and how they could calm eacother down and they would be a interesting couple but it would also be cute.

Then a year later he started to ship janus and logan beacus the two were so similar and they would make a cute couple.

And now to add to the ship list was roman ans virgil, again an interesting couple but still it would be cute, nico see the affect virgil as on roman.

Nico is proud thatbhis boys have found some one to love and some one who will care and cherish them forever, but if patton,janus and or virgil breaks their hearts nico won't hesitate to kill them.

After a while remy enterd the room with a try of food and meds

"Ok bitches food and med time" remys says, patton logan,remus and virgil took thier food and went over to some clear tables where they sat and ate their food.

Remy looked at roman

"You need to eat ro" roman just shook his head and pointed to his meds

"Roamn you have to eat first"

'I'll eat later'

"Roman have have eaten nothing today, so you need to eat now"

Nico looked between the two.

"Remy can you watch the other ill talk to roman"

"Ok" nico then took roman out the room.

Nico took roman to a diffrent room and sat him down, nico then sat in a chair that was across from roman.

"Roman why don't you want to eat?"

'I'm not hungry'

"Roro we both know that,that is a lie. Is it about the letter you had earlier this week?"

Roman looked away in shame, he still won't tell nico about the most recent not he had recceved.

"Roman look at me" roman kept his gaze on the floor boards "....Please"

Roman looked at nico fighting back tears.

"Roman listen to me" nico held both of romans hands "you are a fine young man and you are too skinny, your not fat you are too thin, we need to put some meat on those bones of yours"

'I....I can't nico i just can't my body won't allow me to eat i want to but I cant'

"Roman" nico sighed "ill talk to remy about you having a bigger meal then usual when its dinner time"

Roman nodded and then they went back to the special room, when they got there they both went up to remy, nico got romans pills and gave him the right amount, roman silently thanked him and took the bill befoer going to find some kne to cuddle with beacuse whenever he takes his pills he get tired and clingy.

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