chapter 40

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Waring contains mentions of night terrors,panic attack,mystery characters,mentions of hurting oneself,mentions of hurting eacother,felling like a failure, feeling useless,mentions of med bay,doctors,nurses.

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out.thank you

No one's p.o.v

In the middle of the night the bed started to shake softly making logan open his eyes, when he did his eyes widend when he saw both twins shaking from what logan thinks is a night terror.

Logan turned the light on and tried to wake the two up but it was no use, logan had no other choice so he pressed the help button he had in his room.

After a few minutes doctors and nurses rushed in the room, they did ther best to help roman and remus but it was no use, soon patton and virgil were called in to try and help but that just made it worse.

Nothing worked so everyone Including logan,patton and virgil were taken out the room for safety reasons.

"No let me back in" I'm sorry mr croft but it is too dangerous to let you back in their" a doctor said

"I DONT CARE, MY BROTHERS COULD HURT THEMSELVES OR EACOTHER IF THRY ARE IN THEIR ALONE SO LET ME IN DAMN IT" logan says, janus saw his lover ball his fists so he held on logans shoulders squeezing logans shoulders from time to time.

Logan and the doctor for a few minutes untill they heard screams the lookt through the door window and saw that the twins were sat up right eyes wide open as tears streamed down their faces, the twins were far away from eachother both having a panic attack of their own.

Luckily Thomas,nico and dave were walking around when thry heard the commotion so they went to see what was going on.

When they got to the cluster of people that had formed outside of logan and pattons room.

"What is going on here?" Thomas asked

"The twins have had what we assume is a night terror and that had developed to a panic attack but the panic attacks have seemed to become something much worse, we have tried everything we possibly can"

Nico looked through the window and saw the state his twins are in.

"My babies" nico had never seen them panic like this he dosent even know what to do and he's one of their gaurdians.

Nico went to Thomas and hugged him,he then started tk cry because he dosent know what to do, thomas comforted nico the best he could as he also did not know what to do.

Dave looked through the window and saw the state his sons were in, dave noticed the type of panic attack the twins were having.

"Open the door" dave said

"Mr duke we can't its too dangerous"

"Please, I know how to help them, please let me in" the dr looked to Thomas who just nodded,so the dr opend the door dave immiatly went into the room and sat in the middle of the room, he sat criss cross applesauce, the reason dave sat in the middle of the room was so he was the same distance way from roman and remus,dave then started to sing a son he had sung to the twins befoer he had to give them up.

The twins recognised the song and crawled to ther biological dad, roman resed his head on daves right knee while remus lays his head on daves left knee, dave began to play with the twins hair as he kept singing untill the twins were completely calm.

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