chapter 28

21 5 3

Contains swearing,speeding off and little space/age regression.

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. Thank you

No one's p.o.v

hours later

Thomas was doing some paperwork when remy burst in.

"Oi birthday butch get your ass out of this bulding you and me are going shopping" remy the throws glitter at Thomas

"Remy i can't, who will run the facility while im gone?"

"Nico will, he works here too, we all talked about it and we all have agreed that you should take a break"

Thomas thought about it but remy won't give up so remy made big goo goo eyes at Thomas

"Ok" Thomas then stood up, when he hid nico walked in and kissed Thomas left cheek.

"Have fun boys but be safe"

"We will nico" remy says as he drages Thomas out the bulding.

The two then got to remys car and got in

"Where do you want to go?" Remys says adjusting his shades

"Um, supplies me" Thomas said

"Ok buckle up, this will be a bumpy ride" remy then spread off taking Thomas to mystery locatin.

Nico smiled as he watched the car speed away, nico knew that Thomas deserved to have this day off especially on his birthday.

Nico then went to the desk and finished the paperwork,once the paperwork was done nico put it to the side not knowing where Thomas puts it when he's done with it.

Nico then decided to walk around abit.

He greeted the people he walked passed staff and patients.

Nico then made his way to janus' room when he got their he saw janus and logan on jans bed.

Logan was lay next to jan with his head lay on jans chest,logan had his arms wrapped around jans middle and logan was half asleep.

Janus was lay with logan, one arm wrapped around logan while both hands were on a book that janus was reading to logan.

Janus caught sight of nico and put the book down keeping his left thumb in the book on the page he was reading to logan.

"Hey nico" jan speaks making logan look towards the door

"Hi papa" logan whispered

"Hey, how are you two" nico says and sits on the edge of the bed

"We are ok" jan says

"Thats good" nico then notices the sleepy logan "ill let you two get some rest"

"Ok, thank you nico"

"Its no problem, you boys rest well" the two nodded and nico left the room.

Nico then made his way to the twins room.

When he enterd the room he see that both roman and virgil were asleep so nico slowly left the room and closed the door softly not to wake the two up.

Nico them made his way to logan and pattons room where he saw the two playing a game.

"You two look like your having fun" this made patton and remus look at him.

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