chapter 46

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Warning contains a knife,mentions of meds,mentions of being sick,nightmare, mentions of blood,mentions of secret camras,mentions of medwatch,little bit of blood, little space/age regression,mystery characters

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. Thank you

No one's p.o.v

When virgil looked he saw a knife, the knife had a little bit of dried up blood on the ends but apart from that it looked quite clean.

Virgil wonderd where roman had gotten a knife from.

Virbil sighed and hid the knife in his pocket and left the bathroom

"V....vee"  "stay" roman mumbled in his sleep

"Ok" virgil stayed standing not wanting the knife to digg into his skin.

After afew minuets janus came in to check on the two.

"Janus could you do me a favour?" Virgil asked as he saw janus

"Whats up virg?"

"Could you watch roman? I have to go and talk to Thomas"

Janus nodded, virgil thanked him and then went to Thomas office.

When virgil got there he knocked on the door Thomas opent it and welcome virgil in.

"How can I help you virgil?"

"Thomas i found something in the twins bathroom"


Virgil then took the knife out his pocket and placed it on the desk thkmas leand forward and looked at the knife, thomas then spotted the blood

"I dont know who had or used it I just found in the bathroom"

"Thank you virgil, I will talk to the twins later"

"Ok, sorry to disturb you"

"You didn't disturb me," virgil nodded and headed back to roman and Rmeus' room. When virhil got theirnhe say janus say on the bed woth roman curled up on his lap, roman was wide awake and a lttile but sweaty.

"Look little one, v is here now" janus said pointing to virgil.

Roman looked up with tears in his eyes and saw virgil

"V......v" roman squeeked as he made grabby hands for virgil.

Virbil ran over and sat next to janus, when virgil sat down roman instantly crawled onto his lap and buried his face in virgils shirt.

"What happend?" Virgil asked as he started to play with romans hair.

"He had a nightmare after you left, I think he said you had died in his nightmare. When he woke up he saw me and not you so he started to freak out, I did my best to calm him down but he wanted you" virgil nodded and held roman close.

"Thank you jan"

"No problem also I he /isnt/ little right now" jan said as he stood up, virgil nodded and watched janus leave the room.

Viebil then begant to rock back and forth making roman as calm as possible.

"Little on its ok, im here im not going anywhere i promis"

Roman tried his best to not cry again but it was getting too much for him, virhil noticed

"If you need to cry, cry no one will judge you" roman then broke down.

Roman knew that his nightmare was fake but it felt so real.

Virgil kept rocking roman and playj g woth roman hair while roman tried to calm down.

When janus arrived back that the med bay logan gave him the look to say 'what took you so long?'

So janus told him that virgil had him watch roman while virg went to Thomas and then janus told logan about romans nightmare.

Loagn nodded but wonder why virgil went to Thomas.

Suddenly a groan was heard logan and janus looked over and saw that remus was a wake

"Damn I feel like I got hit by a train" remus chuckled "what the fuck happend?" Remus sat up

"Remus you missed your meds for a long time"

"Ah shit, well you see Jimmy and Tony were telling me that the meds were going to hurt them, and they started to yell at me to stop the meds so I did, im sorry lolo, I didn't want them to hurt me" remus mumbles the last sentence.

"Remus its ok, you don't need tk apologies but you are aware that you will have to go back on med watch right?"

Remus nodd numbly.

"Whi are Jimmy and Tony?" Janus asks

"They are two of the 10 voices that remus has in his head" logan explained

"Where is roman and his lover?" Remus asked looking around

"Roman had a nightmare so virgil is calming him down and his is in little space" remus nodded and lay back down.

He then caught sight of patton

"What happend to patty?"

Janus then told what had happend, remus wanted to go over and hugged his patty but he can't cause he is not strong enough to move yet.

"Do you known when patty will wake up?" Remus asked staring at his unconscious lover

"It should be soon" remus nodded and looked away staring at the ceiling sighing.

After a few hours of telling remus what he missed patton woke up

"W...where am I?" Logan remus and janus looked over and saw that patton was awake

"Patty" remus cheered

"Hey rere" patton said.

Janus then told patton what happemd causing patton to go 'oh yeah, silly me' with a big smile on his face.

After a few more minuets the doctors came over and gave both patton and remus a check up.

"Everything seems to be in order, I have placed remus under med watch"

"Thank you doctor" logan and janus then helped patton amd remus to pattons room.

When thry got their they helped the two in pattons bed and tucked them in

"You two rest we will wake you up when its med and dinner time" janus said, patton amd remus nodded cuddeling up to eacother and then falling asleep in each others embrace.

Logan and janus then went to the twins room where they saw virgil amd rkman in the same position last saw them in except virgilwas not rocking the two back and forth.

"How is remus amd patton?" Virgil asked making roman look at janus and logan

"They are in patton and los roman sleeping"

Rome got of virvil lap and went over to logan hugging him, logan huged back

"Roman are you ok after earlier events?" Logan asked roman nodded and squeeled

Roman then let of logam and and went to grab something.

"How old is he?" Logam asked remus

"He said about 7"

Logan nodded

"Virg"  "read"  "story (virbil read me a story)" roman said

"What did virgil read you roman?" Logan asked sitting on remus' bed

Roman then heald up matilda by roald dahl

Logam smiled knowing that, that book was one of romans favourites.

For the test of the day everything went smoothly.

Well for the most part, as not informed them noticed the two people watching all 6 of the teens of secret cameras in the bulding.

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