It's The LA Way

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Maddy stepped off the plane, and headed for the baggage claim at LA-X

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Maddy stepped off the plane, and headed for the baggage claim at LA-X.

She grabbed her bags, and was pleased to lock eyes with Evan when she turned around towards the large airport doors. "Hi Evan!" Maddy said, and she embraced him in a hug.

"Hi Maddy.." he sniffed. "He's doing better today! They'll think he'll be able to go home before you leave!"

"Really?! Well I am here for five days, so that's amazing!" Maddy pulled back from their hug, and wiped Evan's tears away.

He rubbed her back, "how was your flight?"

"Awful.. I hate flying. I was high off of my ass from my Xanax because I doubled my dose, and I still felt some of the fucking turbulence we hit. Pretty much convinced I was going to die.. but other than that, fine..." Maddy made a face of terror— she added a wink to let Evan know that she was being a tad over dramatic. "So where are you taking me first?"

"I'm gonna run you to my place, so you can drop your stuff off, and then I can take you to see Eddie.. even though he's gonna kill me."

"He's gonna have to deal with it." Maddy smiled gently at Evan. "How are you doing though, Evan? I know y'all are the closest..."

*sniff* "I'll tell you in the car.."
"Okay.. we're in the car." Maddy remarked as she got out her phone. "Sorry one second, gotta text my goon squad... my mom, Owen, TK and Carlos." Maddy chuckled as she recalled the conversation with them before she left..

"Okay.. call or text us as soon as you land!"
"Ha.. if I remember! If not, it will before I leave the airport."
"Nope.. not good enough! Ha!"
"C, I'll be fine! Sure I might die in transit from a crappy plane.. But it's fine! Just make sure you feed Tex and Nebula in their schedules! Okay?"
"Yes! And you'll be fine."

"They'll be worried if I don't.." Maddy added. Evan managed a slight chuckle as he shook his head in understanding. "There we go. They'll all be content. anyway, so how are you Evan?"

"Better than I was.." he sighed. "But.. man, it.. ah.. it was surreal seeing him, laying there... knowing or not being able to do anything.. I froze... and.... Ah, uhm..,"

"Evan.. it's okay. It's not your fault.." Maddy said as she rubbed his cheek gently. "He's okay right?"

"Uh huh.. yeah."

"Then that's all that matters. Look at me.." Maddy said. He did. "You know him better than I do, and if I think he'll be fine, you have to think so too."

"I do.. I do..."

"Does Christopher know?"

Evan swallowed hard, "yeah.. I told him. He took it okay actually.. better than I did."

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