Just The Way She Is

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"So.. how are things?!" Evan asked Eddie as they waited in the hospital for Eddie's follow-up appointment. Maddy opted to stay at Evan's house and sleep in a little longer, since it was Saturday, and she had a long flight ahead of her tomorrow.

"With Maddy?"

"No with Santa Claus." Evan rolled his eyes. "Yes with Maddy!"

"We had a decent fight the other day, but we're good now."

"What?! You two.. fight?! Not possible," Evan chuckled.

"Well.. it was my fault.."

"Ohhhh, now that makes sense.."

"Shut up dude. But yeah, we did have a fight.. like I said, my fault. Anyway, we good now."

"Only you would fuck up that relationship dude. She's amazing," Evan winked.

"Yeah bro, I know! It was an honest mistake, and I was a douche. But she forgave me dude..."

"You better count your blessings dude!"

"Oh I am!"

"So.. do you like her?"

"Yeah man... a lot.. kinda scary since we've only been together three times.. but whenever we FaceTime, or call each other... or hell, even text.. I just feel good dude. She just makes me happy. But I don't know if it's reciprocated..."

"Oh it is. Trust me.. she likes you too bro." There was the slightest twinge of defeat to Evan's words.

"Really? How do you know?"

"The way she talks about you, and looks at you, and the way she is with Chris.."

"Oh man dude! Speaking of that... that video you sent me, of her and Christopher at the pier? Cracked me up, and made me so happy dude! It was perfect.. she's truly so beautiful, and I'm so happy with how she interacted with little man."

"Yeah.. he called her over too! And she picked him up on her own."



"Damn. That's great! Uhh.. Do you care if I come back with you for a little? To see her again?"

"Nah man, not at all! She'll be glad to see you again before she leaves!"

"Great man. I don't know what I'm gonna do when she goes back to Texas..."

"What if she doesn't?"

"What are you talking about?"

"What if you ask her to stay?"

"Dude.. that's never gonna happen. She loves Texas, and.. TK is there. Ain't gonna happen."

"Well you're from Texas.."

"Yeah, and I ain't going back! Ha."

"Then what are you gonna do?"

"Let her go back... and then just continue to talk to her, and actually tell her how I feel."

"That would be good dude. She needs to know, just can't assume."

"Bro.. yes I know. I'm working on it. She's worth it."

"Thatta boy! Just think... if we wouldn't have gone to Austin for training, she wouldn't even be in our lives!" Evan winked.

"Dude, chill! You only slept with her once, and if I recall, she left your ass so fast in the morning." Eddie laughed, punching Evan's shoulder.

"Man, shut up!... she was just in shock over how good it was.."

Eddie gave him a dirty look and punched him harder this time. "Watch your mouth.."

"Yeah.. sorry man." Evan rubbed the back of his neck. "I respect her more than that, you know that."

"Then watch your mouth bro," Eddie slapped Evan's shoulder.

"Yeah man, sorry."

"Uh huh.. that's what I thought."

"Edmundo Diaz?" A female nurse said as she emerged from a hallway.

"Op. That's me, be right back." Eddie winked at Evan before following the nurse down the hallway.

Evan sat back, and tapped his fingers on his legs as he looked around the semi-empty hospital corridor. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket; it was text from Maddy.

'Hey Ev! Are y'all almost done? I'm getting lonely.. haha'

'Yeah.. he just got called back. Just getting the stitches checked, and redone if needed.. shouldn't be long at all!'


Evan smiled as he sent back a smiley face and waited for Eddie to come back.

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