Welcome back, Maddy

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"Soooo... you still didn't tell me where you're taking me, babes!" Maddy laughed as she rubbed TK's arm as his car left the parking lot of the airport. She moved her hand to his thigh, and rested it there.

TK rubbed her hand with his before he spoke, "I'm gonna take you out to lunch... and then we're gonna hangout with the 126! The station is nearly done actually!"

"Yay! I can't wait.. I'm so excited! I missed y'all a lot!"
"Thanks for lunch babes, that was good! And I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too Mads, you have no idea! That was the longest we've been apart since you moved here!"

"I know!" Maddy's eyes glistened with tears.

"How's Eddie?"

"He's fine! He actually was released when I was there, so I got to see him out of the hospital, so that was nice," Maddy smiled. "But yeah, he's fine! And uh.. we had a talk."

"Oh yeah? About what?"

"His feelings for me..." Maddy swallowed hard, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh?" There was a hint of a smirk to TK's voice.

"Mhmm.. it went well. I guess we're gonna attempt to figure this out... he and I.."

"Oh really?"

Maddy finally made eye contact with TK, who was smiling. "I guess so." she smiled slightly back.

"Well if that'll make you happy Mads, then I'm in full support."

"Really?!" She made eye contact again, and smiled bigger.

TK grabbed her hands in his, "yes.." he said. Maddy leaned forward, and kissed his cheek.

"Well that makes me feel loads better!" Maddy smiled at TK, before they both got up to leave the restaurant. "Can you take me home really quick, please?! I wanna see my girls!"

"Of course!"
"Tex! Nebs! Mommy's home!" Maddy called proudly as she and TK walked into Maddy's apartment.

*MEW... MEW*

"Hi girls!" Maddy dropped her bags off on her bar island, and sat on the floor, to cuddle with her cats, who she hadn't seen in five days. They trotted over to her, and plopped down in her lap. She pet them both enthusiastically before TK took a seat beside her. He rubbed her back, as the kittens began crawling all over him too.

Maddy rested her head on TK's shoulder, as she watched her cats run around and chase each other around her living room. She sighed before pulling his cheek down, and kissing his cheek. "Gosh I missed this face! I'm too co-dependent to be that far away from you!"

"You did great Mads! You only texted us like once a day.. that's amazing!"

"Ugh, I know.. it's because I was busy, if I hadn't have been.. I would've been blowing up y'all's phone!" Maddy laughed. TK rubbed her back and laughed.

Maddy stood up and walked into her bedroom to drop her bags off, and quickly unpacked what she could before meeting TK in her living room again.
"Hi guys!"

"Ahh.. Maddy!"

"Hi Mads!"

"The place looks great.. oof!" Maddy laughed as she struggled to keep her balance after Mateo collided into her with a hug as soon as she entered the firehouse. "I missed y'all too! And I was only gone for five days," she chuckled as she kissed Mateo's cheek.

"Longest since we've known you though!" Mateo said back, casing Maddy to smile. "I know, but I'm back now!"


"Hey Marjan!" Maddy winked as she hugged her. "Yeah.. the place looks great! Almost operational?"

"For sure! Probably another weeks work..  now that we can actually keep it. No thanks to Billy.. what an asshole, telling us he's shutting us down for good one minute, and then coming back and saying it didn't get approved? He would."

"Ha yeah.. lucky y'all. I'm just glad y'all are staying together..." Maddy forced her mouth into a smile, forgetting for a moment, until it was brought up, that it was her decision that got her family to keep the 126– not pressing charges against Billy.

She paused another moment, contemplating telling them her deal with the devil, but she knew she had to wait— the gang finding out would be incredibly upsetting to them, and she didn't want to do that to them. So she let it go, tuning the conversation back in before she moved towards the inside of the station.

"Y'all.. I'm starving, is the kitchen good enough to eat out of? It looks like it?!" Maddy inquired.

Paul laughed as she approached her, grazing the small of her back, "we can try it."
Maddy flopped down on the couch, and a took a deep breath. The room felt different, and the layout seemed different, but it was the also the same.

She looked around the room, and took in the smell before she was surrounded by two bodies. "Welcome home Mads!"

"Mmm.. it's good to be home!" She replied as she wrapped an arm around each of the men sitting next to her. "The new place is super cute! Glad you found it so fast!"

"Literally luck.. opened up, we toured it, and grabbed it!"

"Well that's awesome!"

"You staying over tonight?"

"Duh Teek! I missed y'all.."

"We also got a king-sized mattress..." Carlos winked. Maddy felt herself get hot, "wonderful.."

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