Chapter 1: The Radio Demon

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Thorn's clothes(what she usually wears)

The interview went terrible-Angel felt awful as he sucked on a pop sickle and Charlie was outside the door most likely calling her Mother. Vaggie was cursing in Spanish but had her brows folded. Sighing; I glanced to my old friend Angel. She smiled but furrowed her brows as I mouthed, 'It'll be okay.' She nodded-you see I'm an Overlord. Currently my second in command is running my turf; ah and my territory sides by the Radio Demon. Never met him-but he doesn't bother my turf so I don't bother his. Quite honestly no ones seen who I was. I'm the only female overlord and don't attend meetings. Also I've been by Charlie and Vaggie side for about two months now. They asked me to join their 'Redemption.' Do I believe this could work; yes and no. The door opened signaling she was inside-we left her be has I yawned.

"Damn I should really remake that kitchen-so I'll be back."

    I got up as they grinned and waved me off as I went into the run down area and snapped my fingers. Everything was prestige and clean-so I made some coffee then walked out to a green flash. I sipped the coffee as Charlie refused the red clad demon his hand. He looked like a Deer and made a buzz of a radio. He was fairly tall and dressed in the 1930 style. Which I'll admit made me curious-I was alive in Queen Victoria's era; I truly detested the dresses and have grown fond of the newer clothing. It is easier to move in and makes me feel more confident. But I still retain my British accent and some curses from that time-now I have grown into the years.

"Why splendid my Dear!"

     His grin seemed to spread more than it already as. That's what stuck out the most-the yellow sharpened fangs sprawled into a toothy grin. To be fair it suited him as he walked around to Angel. Oh no-rip the man. Then I blinked; how could I be such an imbecile. Radio buzz a deer demon. He's the Radio Demon-well I have no quarrel with him.

"Now what can you do my effemitve fellow?"

     I paled as I shook my head at him; he cocked a brow as Angel smirked.

"I can suck ya dick."

    I shook my head and rubbed my temples while a slight harsh noise of distaste filled from the buzz as he grinned at Vaggie pudding her off than walked to me as I sipped the hot black liquid.

"Now then who might you be?"

     I grinned as the group chuckled-Charlie paled while Angel snickered and Vaggie smirked.

"I do believe introductions are needed-since I've obviously missed them."

    We shook hands as he spoke.

"Why Alistor darlin' and here I thought manners like your have died out."

     I chuckled.

"I do understand that and you may call me Thorn-I run the territory next to yours."

     His grin grew.

"While I'll be damned-impressive I might add."

"You flatter me."

     He kissed my knuckles and bid a curt nod as he continued to look around and walked to Charlie.

"Now then who might your staff be?"

     She turned to us has he hummed.

"Vaggie do calm your glare."

     She huffed clenching her fist as I smiled-she hates men.

"Now that just won't do! Ah I know!"

     He snapped his fingers as the hearth fire broke out and dropped a small girl. He picked her up as we made our way over. It was a small cyclops lass who looked around as Alistor spoke.

"Why this little darlin' is Nifty."

    She plopped down and spoke.

"Why hi I'm Nifty!"

    I smiled as she looked about.

"It's been awhile since I've made new friends-oh this place is disgusting wait are you all women!"

     I was then picked up as I kept my legs together to keep the skirt from showing my drawers. She sat me down and began running and cleaning saying No or Nope. I chuckled with a smile as he then summoned a monochrome cat with poker wings.

"Husker! My dear old friend!"

     The cat flattened his ears as the board began to disappear.

"Why you-why am I here!"

"Well you see I'm doing some charity work and thought you my dear ol fellow would help man the front desk! With your smile and fantastic personality!"

     He grumbled.

"Hell no what do you take me for? A clown!"

     His grin broadened.


    I chuckled as he got bribed by liquor. Vaggie said No which resulted in Angel saying we were keeping this. I chuckled as he began to break out into song. Singing 'Inside of Every Demon is a lost Cause!' Which resulted for me to almost break out laughing-truly this is entertaining! Then I met his crimson orbs-I ran a pale pink hand through my hair and glanced away slightly flustered. Why was he looking at me? Then he was in front of me-towering over as an arm rested on the wall the other gently holding my waist as my hands were on his chest. The ivory horns that hooked back almost knocked into the wall. Gently gripping the crimson coat Nifty popped up from the rubble as my eyes widened. Are they okay? Nifty claimed she was fine making me let out a sigh as I looked up.

"Are you hurt?"

     I asked with folded brows as his crimson orbs widened.

"No darlin' I'm not-but we should check out that crash."

     I nodded as he removed himself from me as we all went to see Sir Pentus. I sighed-again?

"Why looks who's harboring the striped freak-oh golly two for one! And the crimson woman!"

     I cocked a brow as he grinned snarkily.

"Oh, do I know you?"

     I smirked as we both spoke in union. He hissed as I gave my signature closed eyed smile.

"Well then I'll just bomb the place!"

     Some eggs began to speak as I snapped my fingers and a eruption of violet flames painted the ship as tendrils came from portals. Throwing the bomb in a separate portal and dragging the other down while screams each led as I snickered.

"Have fun burning alive~"

     I giggled at my own comment as I heard a low chuckle and glanced to Alistor as he smirked. He looks tired-grinning I spoke.

"So how does dinner sound!"

    Vaggie agreed as Charlie smiled while Alistor spoke.

"Why that sounds wonderful! In fact I know a Jambalaya recipe that my Mother made. It almost KILLED her!"

     And with that we were off to the kitchen.

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