Chapter 4: Let me Know you

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Yawning I got up-then went to my jours. I froze, bloody hell, Nifty is still washing my laundry. I glanced down to my red shirt and black panties.

"No one should be up...hopefully."

I then went through my morning routine and just left my hair down. Why, because I can't find my bloody clips for my hair! I had them on my sink last night-please tell me she didn't throw them away. Sighing I walked out and then made my way down the hall cursing. Then bumped into someone-fuck. The arm wrapped around my waist keeping me from falling as I squeaked and gripped a jacket. Then froze as I opened my eyes and my skin deepened in color. Kill me now- Alistor gripped my waist as our skin flushed. Then he pulled me up as I began to tug the shirt down. He cleared his throat and gently pulled me up and spoke.

"We should really stop bumping into eachother like this."

I flushed as my hands were on his chest.

"I quite agree-but I truly didn't believe anyone to be awake as early has myself."

He smiled as he lightly chuckled.

"I believe Nifty is doing your laundry?"

I nodded as he then took off his coat and set it on my shoulders. My face deepened in reds as I slipped the fabric on and buttoned it. Big; the sleeves traveled past my hands as I looked up to a flustered Al-I smiled as we began to walk to the elevator. He cleared his throat as I giggled and began to flop the sleeves around. He chuckled as my smile broadened.

"Well it seems your having fun."


I flipped them again as he chuckled and I turned grinning. I flipped into his chest as he cocked a brow grinning.

"Well then look what I caught~"

I flushed as he smirked and lifted me up as I squeaked. I gripped his red button up as he lifted me with ease and walked out the elevator. He hummed as I huffed gripping the shirt-why is he so damn tall.

"Bloody Hell why are you so tall?"

He chuckled as I glanced around-I am short with a heavy hourglass figure. So this is a big change in height for me. He sat me on the counter as I flushed and crossed my legs as he snapped his fingers. I blinked-I was I a corset high waisted bell bottoms his coat over my shoulders. My favorite heels and the dagger strapped around my thy. Flushing I looked to him as he gave a shy smile and began to make coffee.

"I thought you may like that.."

I smiled and slid off the counter and hugged the male. He flushed and looked down to me as I smiled brightly.

"Thank you Alistor!"

     He smiled softly and ruffled my hair as I giggled. I released him as we both got coffee and I began to make breakfast for everyone.


     I hummed skidding some bacon into a plate and began some eggs for everyone.

"Yes Alistor?"

"Would you tell me about yourself?"

    I glanced to him and smiled.

"Only if you tell me about yourself."

     He cocked a brow and smirked as I chuckled.


     Grinning I began.

"Well for starters I was born in the eighteen hundreds has you know. Women were treated poorly back then-but my family was...well they saw women as nothing but birth givers. Being the eldest in a royal family was an annoyance to sat the least."

"A Royal?"

    I nodded setting the eggs in a plate and began some pancakes.

"Yep-aka rich-we were well off. But money will never buy happiness. My father was a bastard-he killed me too. My Darling Mother was absolutely lovely. She's most likely in Heaven with her true lover. The bastard is either alive or somewhere in Hell."


     I chuckled.

"Yes quite so; as you can tell from my accent I'm British. Use to live in Queen Victoria's city; in fact I lived in her castle. She wanted her enemies close as possible. Father was father manipulated and strong-we."

     I pursed my lips then sighed.

"I won't reveal that detail-not yet. It's a wound I rather leave closed."

"I understand, do continue."

     I nodded and set the pancakes on a plate and began to set the table with him.

"Well some things happened. One being Father killing Mother in front of myself. I ran away and eventually became an orphan because the bastard didn't want me back. I was in an orphanage for years-eventually I was adopted by a family. They seemed decent but truly weren't. Their sons; my elder brothers Ethan and Fallen are here. I won't go into much detail. The just is me murdering the wife for beating me and then I killed the husband for attempting to force himself onto me."

    We finished the table as I sat by him; his brows were folded as he seemed to want to say something but no words came.

"I became an assassin because that was the only decent paying job. The brothers tried to find jobs and we split up a bit. Fallen died in a fight. Then I was next because the Bastard found me then shot me in the heart."

     His eyes were wide...I should tell him.

"I was never going to get into Heaven; because I was born a Pure Blood Demon. My Mother is a God, Aphrodite."

     Speechless, I smiled

"I'm doomed to Hell-unless I overthrow God. Because I will never be allowed and no Charlie is not aware on what I truly am."

     Then I was pulled into a hug, my eyes widened as I looked up to him. Then smiled as I wrapped my arms around the man and laid my head on his chest.

"Everything will be alright, take a few breaths."

     He ran a thumb under my crimson orb; I hadn't realized I was crying. His smile was gentle as he folded his brows then spoke. He spoke of when he was a Radio Host, his Mother, father. His loves, fears, was caused his happiness how he died. My eyes were wide as he smiled and I hugged him running my hands through his hair.

"I'm a cannibal."

     My eyes widened then softened.

"So what?"

     He seemed taken aback then smiled as I began to take my hands through his hair. His head on my shoulder as I smiled softly.

"Now then let me make you something, okay?"

    I cupped his face as he chuckled.

"Alright, dear."

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