Chapter 8: Fine Dinning

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I shivered.

"Thorn, Thorn not my ears.."

He groaned into my breast as I shivered and my skin darkened as I continued to run his ears. Then I was on my back arms pinned above as a low growl flooded his lips. I gulped.

"Are you prepared for the consequences?"

His breath was ragged as he gripped my thy his claws drawing blood. Then a knock;

"Alastor; it's Charlie I would like to discuss this paper work. I just had a few questions."

Silence as he cocked a brow. Then sighed as he caught his breath and released me as I sat up than kissed his cheek. He flushed as I smiled-then he snapped his fingers. His once messy appearance was now in clean an sharp as his skin still stained a slight hue of crimson but his breathing was calmed down as I realized I was in a simple short red gown with a black belt. I didn't have shoes just the dress with my long brunette hair down. The bleeding bite was healed over as I knew a bruise was formed. I flushed as he creaked open the door as I glanced away and began to study the room.

"Alright who are these Demons?"

"Why those are some Overlords Thorn as cut ties with. So they won't be able to come near our joint territory because of that."

I heard a hum as she paused then a chuckle I glanced then flushed seeing her smirking.

"Ah that explains why it took a while to answer the door-I'll talk to you later. You two go ahead and spend some time together."

With that she walked away as my skin deepened in color. The door closed as I turned back then smiled. He was flushed and cleared his throat.

"Darlin' when would you like to go for dinner? We could go tomorrow or today if you'd like?"

I stood up then wrapped my arms around him hugging the male. He chuckled and hugged me back as I looked up to the tall male.

"How about tonight..?"

He grinned and kissed me softly as I flushed. Then he parted and smiled.

"Alright-I'll come get you at four thirty."

We parted as I nodded.

"Alright, Deer."

    He flushed as I smiled and walked out-my face boomed in heat as I sped to Angels room and busted her door open. She blinked then smirked as she opened her arms and I flipped into her breast.

"Tell me everything."

     With that I rambled in embarrassment as she squealed.

"Why I'm so happy for ya Sugar!!"

    She grinned cupping my cheeks squeezing the flesh.

"Ah let me dress ya up! I won't make ya slightly either please sugar pretty please!"

      I spoke with a smile.

"That was the plan-please dress me in something elegant and fancy."

     She grinned and nodded.

"Sure thing!"


I took a breath examine the beautiful gown. Something I would've never worn but fitted me perfectly.

    Angie left my room as I glanced to a clock

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Angie left my room as I glanced to a clock. Almost time-then a knock. Turning I opened my door and smiled as his crimson orbs widened and he flushed clearing his throat as he smiled. Then a rose tucked behind my ear as spoke;

"Your gorgeous darlin."

     My skin flushed as I noticed he wore his signature suit with hints of black as he pulled half his hair into a ponytail. Then he held out his arm as I took it; he smiled and then snapped his fingers. I smiled and noticed we were in fro of a large elegant building. We walked in as the front desk shivered at us two.

"H-hello do you have reservations?"

"Why yes we do, Hazbin."

I gave him a small smirk as he grinned and the guy lead us to a small room in the back as we took our seats. Al pulled out the chair for me as I blushed at his antics and he took the chair next to me.

"H-here's your m-menus."

I nodded as Al grinned as he bowed then scurried off as I smiled at the male.

"Why are you a wine lady?"

I hummed.

"Well to tell you the truth I haven't tried wine."

He hummed as his grin broadened then a server approached us.

"W-what would you two l-like to drink?"

He stuttered then glanced to me. His face dusted pink as I cocked a brow, then an arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into his chest.

"Why we would like Chateau Ausone."

I blinked; then flushed. He glared at the guy as I my skin darkened. A part of me can admit that I do find it attractive when he is possessive. Hell Thorn you both made out a few hours ago. He practically marked me-I leaned into him. There is just one thing I need to see then I can decide. The guy nodded and ran off as I smiled and looked up to him.

"Your adorable."

He raised a brow as his grin grew.

"Your one to talk darlin."

I smiled as our date went along well. We chatted as I found the wine appealing as we tried each others food. I was surprised he tried mine and I've had venison before. But I truly don't mind it-after a bit of banter he payed as I tipped. Then I took his hand and smiled as we walked out. He lead me to the woods weakling in wilderness was calming.

"Have you ever wanted to fly?"

He cocked a brow then hummed.

"Truly-I never thought about it? And heights per day are almost frightening.."

I giggled as he gave a smirk. Then I was in front of him opening my wings. They were an ebony leather that faded to silver feathers as his orbs were wide.

"If you trust me then take my hand."

He didn't even think-he took it with a smile. My eyes widened as I smiled and shot into the air. He gripped me tightly as I giggled then kissed him. Large black feathered wings appeared as he gawked.

"Come on fly with me."

He gulped as our night turned into parodies flying about dipping into the clouds staring at the demons below as we danced in the sky. He grinned and laughed as I smiled then we stopped.

"Thorn would you be mine?"

My gaze softened.


The End

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