Chapter 2: Talk of Territory

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Clothing she changed into

I couldn't help but smile-we've finished dinner. Leaning back in my chair; my smile grew. This woman is quite peculiar and she is quite the lady. She's elegant, mature, and beautiful. I was sat at my desk one across from my bedroom. Her heels clicked as a knock sounded. Perfect timing-she's punctual.

"It's me, Thorn."

"Do come in."

She opened then gently shut the door and walked over taking the seat in front of me. Her face was small with a petite nose large dollish yet cat like eyes holding long black lashes. Large lush lips and sharp yet smooth cheekbones.

"So you called me here over Territory correct?"

Her crimson lips formed into a smile as she gently pushed her brunette bangs behind her ears. It was done up into a sloppy yet elegant bun. A crimson and lime eye stared towards me as I noted red dyed nails. Intuitive-she just keeps on impressing me.

"Why yes that is correct-we are side by side in territories and I have no quarrel with you."

She nodded; her smile only grew. I would be honored if I were the one for that smile.

"I agree-"

She then smirked as my smile grew.

"Oh you have an idea?"

Her smirk broadened has she nodded , interesting.

"Why yes this may sound crazy-but how about combining our territories? We will be spending a lot of time together and we are both powerful Demons."

"And we both have reputations to where no one will dare to try anything."

She smirked as I laced my fingers together.

"Exactly also the Radio Demon and Miss Red aka the Faceless Overlord-combining territory?"

"They would be mad to test us."

She chuckled; she is interesting, beautiful and has a brain. Unlike most demons here.

"Exactly-oh and congratulations you are the first overlord to see my face. Not even the King of Hell knows who I am."

I grinned as she stood and so did I, walking around I held out a hand.

"Why thank you darlin'."

She shook my hand; her skin was cool to the touch. Strange for someone who uses fire.

"Ah I do like your nickname-but also refer to me as Thorn and not Miss Red, partner."

"I understand, partner"

We parted grasp as I smiled down at the woman.

"Now then how about we broadcast some carnage together? That should deem it appropriate."

She nodded then smirked.

"How about I start on your main lot-it'll be better."

Humming I nodded, clever woman. If she starts chaos on my main area it would cause mass confusion as to why she's not dead.

"But they don't know what you look like."

She then chuckled darkly.

"Oh they'll know who I am soon enough-though I am glad you saw me first."

I blinked and flushed slightly, what would that mean? Then she looked down at her clothing then sighed.

"But first I must change to something more appealing."

     She snapped her fingers-my eyes widened at the woman. Wow; I flushed and looked away. Why does she wear such a revealing thing! I heard a chuckle as I only looked to her eyes.

"What do I look weird?"

     She teased as I cleared my throat.

"You are revealing huge a lot."

"That is because I don't really have a choice. I should really find something more conservative-but for now this is what I have."

     I noticed a red x on her right breast then looked away as she giggled.

"Alistor it is quite alright to look at me."

      I glanced back to her as she held a warm smile-I would snap my fingers for her to wear something more conservative but I don't even know what she would like.

"Anyways we should get going."

     I nodded as I walked by her side glancing to the woman every now and then. We entered an elevator as she hummed softly. I smiled then cocked a brow.

"Pardon but what time were you born?"

     She chuckled.

"Why the Victorian era, the 1800s. Don't remember what year-it's been so long but sometime in that era."

     She's older than me? That would explain the maturity.

"I take it your from the 1930s?"

     Grinning I nodded.

"You've heard?"

"More of I was still alive."

     I cocked a brow as she grinned.

"I don't understand?"

     She giggled then turned to me edging closer-I flew my ears flatten.

"Figure it out, darlin'."

      I flushed as she turned and strutted out swaying her hips almost hypnotically. Gulping, I walked out, Angel whistled as she walked over to hug the spider.

"I'll be back shortly, okay Angie?"

"Sure thing Sugar!"

      She giggled as we both walked out. I glanced to her every so often as some swing played. She snapped her fingers to it-grinning as I smiled. This is quite comfortable.

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