Chapter 6: Just a Little Fun

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My Drawing

      Yawning I walked down the stairs and bumped into Angel. She smiled and ruffled my hair. Has I grinned and chuckled at my friend.

"How ya been toots?"

"Pretty good; how about you?"

    She shrugged then smiled softly.

"Good now that ya got me outta Val's grasp, thank ya Sugar."

     Smiling I spoke;

"Any day."

    She smiled as comfortable silence filled as we entered the main room as she smirked.

"Hey wanna have a girls night?"

    I smirked.

"Hell yes!"

   We chuckled as we took a seat at the bar-Husk cocked a brow as I crossed my legs and she continued.

"How bout we go with Cherry too-get all sexy then go have sum fun!"

    My grin broadened.

"Oh we both know I can't refuse that offer!"

     We chuckled and turned to Husk.

"May I get a Snake Bite?"

     He shrugged and made one as Angel got a margarita. We chatted catching up and ended up telling jokes as Husk was drunk passed out. Eventually we set our drinks in the sink and walked up to his room with our arms hooked. We passed Charlie who was too engrossed in paper work to notice us. Vaggie walking with her-cocking a brow as we entered Angies room. She went to her closet as Nugget approached me. I picked up the pig and cuddled him.

"Why hi their Nugget!"

He snorted and cuddled into my breast as I giggled and hummed rocking him like an infant. Then a click-I looked to Angie as she squealed.

"This is definitely going as my Home Screen!"

I shook my head as she held up two dresses. I smiled and walked over.

"You should send it to me."

She smiled; I've finally gotten use to those picture boxes and know how to work them. Thanks to Angie and Nugget trying to eat it.

"Ah right-here ya go!"

She let me set Nugget on the bed as he rolled around and handed me a low cut red velvet gown with a single slit. I hummed; quite revealing. Eh why should I really care it's our night out? She helped up her favorite right black gown with a corset in it. I chuckled as we both began to get changed.

"So ya and the Radio Demon huh?"

I blinked then turned to Angie as she laced up the back easily.


I zipped up the back as it looked loose but was rather tight around my hips and breast.

"Ye you two look like yer together?"

I paused as my mind flashed to the last week. I flushed and folded my brows-since then he's been by my side constantly showing me that he will stay. But I don't know...we do know a lot about each other. But not everything-like I knew Angie when she was alive. We both ran a gang together. Which ended up in my getting shot by the bastard and then she did a drug overdose.

"No were not."

She smiled then hugged me-her fluff in my face as I huffed then wrapped my arms around her as she pulled the clip letting my long brunette locks fall towards the floor.

"Ya sound disappointing Sugar. But for now let's give ya a make over!"

I blinked.


I finished the last of the paper work today and made my way down the stairs. Then a thump as I heard a bang-turning I flushed. Well I'll be damned; Thorn crossed her arms puffing her cheeks-her long brunette hair was down-but now cut to the mid section of her spine. Her regular crimson lips and long black lashes flooded her face as she muttered something. Then I gulped; she wore a tight revealing dress. Why would she reveal so much cleavage? I glanced away then paused seeing an array of roses poke out on her thy's. Does she have those oh what are they called. That's it, tattoos? Then the Spider walked out-smirking in a tight black dress and handed her some sunglasses. They said something as my eyes widened when she turned-a yin and Yang tattoo marked her left shoulder. Then a slight peak on the right side of her body under her breast revealed some form of squiggle and she parted her hair to reveal her spine. It showed off her slim back noticing a Gemini mark on the back of her neck with a lined scar on the blades of her shoulders. All four horns showed. One that dipped back circling with a small gold charm on the left with ruby gems. Noticing the ruby nose ring and some dangle of her gold and ruby earrings. That's different-but a good different. I cleared my throat as the two walked away.

"I should leave them be."

I mumbled then made my way down the stairs. My smile softened then turned back as I noticed the two were gone. Humming I began my routine around the hotel.


     A knock sounded as I cocked a brow.

"I'll answer it."

     Charlie nodded has I walked over and answered it. Who in Hell is this? It was a pastel fox? His hair was a pale blue as his skin was also an icy color with patches of blue. The pale hair tinted to an icy blue as his hair was long and he wore a turtle neck black pants boots. And his hands looked frost touched with dyed midnight sharpened nails.

"Why hel-"

"Where's Her Highness, Miss Red?"

    Every time, I swear. Only Thorn is one for manners!

"And who might that be?"

    He cocked a brow.

"It is inappropriate to speak my mistresses name."

    What the fu-

"Bright Eyes?"

    Two voices collided as I glanced up1his tail raised as he grinned. Angel looked disgusted-well that is new. Then he approached her as she paled then Angel stood in front of her.

"Listen Zodiac-I know what happen between the two of her was heartbreaking. But it was YOUR fault. You crossed the line-now kindly fuck off and leave Thorn alone."

     My eyes widened as I noticed her brows folded. Then Angel smirked as he skillfully kept her away from him and stood her besides me.

"Besides she's taken."

    Thorn said nothing but gave the feminine spider a look. He only grinned and turned to a seething Zodiac.


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