Chapter 5: The Crimson Singer

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    My heels clacked against the floors-quickly catching the attention of the others. Angel whistled and grinned.

"Ya workin sugar?"

"Yes; they called me in saying they needed backup. So I'll be off-be back in a few hours."

     I was starting to walk down then turned to Angel.

"And DON'T follow me!"

     She waved it off as I rolled my eyes and walked out.

     Strange behavior for her. She wore her usual clothing as well.

"Well I'm followin her anyone else wanna come?"

     Charlie spoke.

"But didn't she just say not to follow her?"

     Angel shrugged and grinned.

"What if she's sinning!"

     Charlie paused then sighed, Vaggie was going to come with her girlfriend. Husk was out drunk and Nifty was cleaning. Sighing I went along with him too. We fallowed her quite easily until we went into her main territory and Angel got us in as we took some seats at the top. Then some guy started singing.

"Devil in a red dress..."

"Call 911 I'm a killer~"

      We listened as he continued then a voice broke through; it was heavenly as we saw Thorn in a tight black dress no heels and her long brunette hair down almost gracing the ground as he took her hand and they began to dance. Wow, he dipped her and spun. I gripped my sleeve folding my brows at the man with a cross on his four head and shaggy black hair. She did some elegant moves then grabbed a large metal ring as she spun around singing and balancing cupping his face then swung away. My heart churned as I set my head I my hand accepting the jealousy. Spinning in the ring she sang her solo. I gulped as Angel whistled as she landed and once everything was done the two bowed as a roar of cheers broke out. I felt my heart began to race as Angel did a loud cheer. Charlie gawked and Vaggie was in shock. Then she turned, cocking a brow her eyes narrowed as she stalked forward and slammed a hand on the table. A growl flooded her lips as she glared at Angel. Flushing I couldn't look away from those mix matched orbs. The dress fit her beautifully despite how it hugged her curves. The shortness and how it pushed up her large breast. It was low cut lace black gloves flooded her arms as I noticed some gold and ruby earrings.

"Angel. What did I say?"

Angel paled then got up and ran-she began to chase him as he yelled cursed and screamed for help. Then we were in her dressing room. She teleported us.

"Thorn calm down!"

Charlie tried to get the demon off the spider as Vaggie groaned then I wrapped an arm around her pulling the two away.

"Hurry and run off with him."

The group scattered as she huffed and turned to me. Come on think of something! Then my eyes widened as I cleared my throat. Please accept me.

    I flushed as he set my hand over his chest and spoke.

"I want to start the flame in your Heart."

    He stared gripping my hand with folded brows a soft smile staining his lips. My eyes widened then softened-my heart began to race as I gave a pained smile.

"And how am I suppose to believe you? Loyalty is one thing but I run off of trust."

     He pursed his lips. Alastor what are you trying to tell me.


    I cut him off.

"No, Alastor how can I trust you when you don't trust me? How will that work? And besides; why would you say something so carelessly. I may be a woman-but I still have feelings no matter how many people I kill!"

    I removed my hand and turned walking away from the red clad man. Pausing I glanced back and spoke;

"If you want me to believe you then ignite my dying heart."

    I almost got away with it; he grabbed my hand and pulled me into him. I looked up has his brows edged closer together than he sat my hand over his chest. I flushed; I could feel his pounding heart as I pursed my lips.

"You like my voice not me."

His smile dropped as my eyes widened and he bent down capturing my lips staining his crimson. Pulling me closer I slid my hands up his chest hooking my arms around him as he pulled me closer then we parted. His lips are red, I smiled as we took our breaths.

"Then I'll just prove to you that I meant it."

I flushed as he pulled me closer and I gulped. Hell what did I get myself into.

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