Chapter 7: Zodiac Vs Alistor

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     I paled as Angel ditched flipping off Bright Eyes. Most likely to tell Charlie not to intervene. Glancing between the two Zodiac growled. Baring his fangs as I sighed.

"Go away Zodiac."

    He flinched as silence-I tilted my head and growled. He folded his brows then glared.

"No-I am your bodyguard! Your Hi-"

"I am no longer a Queen! Don't address me that way!"

"But you are! You are to me!"

    I clicked my tongue.

"I've told you for years-YEARS! I will never feel the same way! I am not some cold blooded Monster! I am not the teenage little girl you met! Go find someone else-because I don't and never will see you that way!"


    I folded my brows as he stalked closer then a mic. My eyes widened as he growled. Al's antlers grew as he glared and spoke in his demonic voice.

"Stay away from MY Thorn."

     I flushed has Zodiac pinned his ears back his tail shook. Alistor and I are same in power-he knows he can't beat him. Then ice-shit-is this idiot really going to fight him!? I gulped then froze.

"You are not the same woman that you were before....I'm disappointed and angered. What happen to the cruel heartless girl from ba-"

I cupped my face as Al punched him and he ended up in a portal. He hummed has I ran to Al and looked over his hand and sighed. Then he ran a hand under my eyes.

"Don't cry Thorn-he'll be down there for eternity."

I was crying..? Then i chuckled as he grinned.

"Smile my dear your never fully dressed without one!"

I giggled as a large smile formed then he kissed my four head. I flushed.

"Your absolutely stunning."

My skin deepened in color as he set a hand to my spine and I giggled as we began to walk in.

"Thank you Alastor."

    He hummed then spoke.

"Of course Darling."

    My skin itched in color as walked past the group. This man...we entered the elevator and was about to stop at my door.

"May I stay with you?"

What am I saying? I glanced to him as his crimson orbs widened then softened. His smile softened as he nodded holding out an arm as I took it. My heart began to speed up as his tone was soft.

"Of course Darling."

I swear he can hear my heart. We entered his crimson and ebony stained room. Everything was grand and beautiful with extravagant designs. Absolutely stunning; he smiled as I took a seat on the couch as he sat next to me.

"What is the matter Beautiful?"

     My skin deepened in crimson as I cleared my throat.

"I-I umm."

   He then gently took my hand and smiled rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. My heart began to pound as I took a breath and looked away cupping half my face.

"I want to know you better.."

    A pause as I heard a chuckle and glanced back-he held a soft smile and he held a relaxed position instead of sitting straight up and proper.

"Of course Darling; anything specific?"

    I removed my hand then shook my head.

"No just..anything really."

    He smiled then pulled me into him as a small squeak flooded my lips. My hands pressed against his chest as he smirk as I flushed. I was in his lap as he kept a hand around my waist my skin deepened in color as I could feel his chest and the beating of his heart. Then he told me of his likes, his favorite food and drinks. His love for his mother how he finds children adorable-his hates, how he's scared of dogs. He told me random things-small facts-big secrets then cupped my hand.

"I meant what I said-Thorn would you like to have a dinner with me?"

    My tail raised as my skin deepened in color.

"H-has in a date?"

   He nodded as my eyes widened then softened as I smiled.

"Okay Deer."

     He flushed as I grinned then he paused.

"I hadn't asked before-but may I?"

    My eyes widened again then softened. I nodded as he cupped my face and pulled me in. His lips were soft as he deepened the gesture. It was soft as it turned passionate-I hummed as he pulled me closer as I wrapped my hands into his hair. Our lips continued to move in sync as a soft noise flooded my lips. He truly didn't taste like blood or demons-it was of rich black coffee with a slight touch of honey. He licked my bottom lips as another noise flooded. I refused until I felt my back on the sofa as he deepened the gesture then lightly but my lips as I still refused. He then grinned as I caught my breath as we parted. Gasping I saw a closed smirk as he leaned down.

"Oh Darling~"

    My skin deepened in color as he then leaned down and grinned.

"Such a good thing your in this dress-you look absolutely ravashing."

     I gulped has a Yelp flooded my lips-he but deeply into my neck as I covered my mouth. Gripping his spine as a shivered flooded my lips. I was then pulled into his lap straddling him as another noise flooded my lips as he parted from my neck and kissed the wound he made. It was more pleasurable I looked down uncovering my mouth as I caught my breath. Then wiped dripping blood from his lips. He gave a grin as I captured his lips-he was taken aback but leaned in gripping my thy's as my hands flooded his hair. Then I grinned and began to rub his ears he shivered and pulled away then flushed. His head landing into my breast as his breaths became ragged as I smiled running my hands through the soft ears rubbing them gently. He groaned and shivered.


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