Chapter 3: Why is Something so Simple a Headache?

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    We parted ways as I walked down the cracked concrete. He is quite the charmer and I found it adorable how he avoided looking at me while I was in this. Right now I was going to slater this street. I pulled off my necklace letting it turn into a dual bladed scythe as I let my aura pool out. Everyone froze as I smirked then sliced through some demons, screams, beautiful crimson. I was painted splattered with the color as I laughed and saw a group stalking towards them I gripped a girls face.

"W-who are you!"

"Why Sugar-my name is the Faceless Overlord but do call me Miss Red~"

     I cooed as her group froze then I released her as she gasped and ran-good news will spread quickly.

"Now then-who might we have here~"

     I giggled turning to Alistor.

"Why it happens to be my partner! Yes folks you heard it here! The Faceless Overlord and I are partners! Now then Darlin' would you like to introduce yourself?"

    I laughed again.

"Why my name is Miss Red-Radio Demon. Now then how about we cause some Chaos?"

     He laughed.

"Oh I couldn't agree more!"

   With that we slaughtered multiple people, torture, screams, painted in blood. I could just burn them all but using a weapon is so much more fun! Slowly cutting off the limbs having them beg out for mercy-Hell we weren't even done until dinner!


     The broadcast was over-he glanced to me as I caught my breath.

"Dear take a break."

     I grinned.

"Ah thank you, it's been quite awhile since I've been on a mascara that big."

     He chuckled as I turned the scythe back into my rose necklace and clipped it on. He grinned and then glanced about then snapped his fingers.

"Ah how about I treat you!"

    I tilted my head.


    He grinned.

"Why the Hell not? Also take it has a celebration-for our partnership. Though you should switch to different clothing."

    I smiled then looked down seeing I was drenched in blood and chuckled.

"Fair enough."

     I snapped my fingers returning to my usual attire and hummed.

"Much better."

     He agreed with a smirk as I chuckled.

"Alright-wait this is Rosies Café! Ah you know her too?"

    I grinned as his crimson orbs widened.

"Why yes I knew her when she was alive-we go quite a ways back."

     I blinked.

"Why same here-how have we not met before?"

     I cocked a brow as he hummed.

"Now that is an appropriate question."

     I grinned as we walked in and Rosie looked over and smiled broadly.

"Why if it isn't my favorite dame and lad! Come on in!"

     I chuckled as he grinned and we took a spot in the corner as she walked over and grinned.

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