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— Chapter Three —

Needless to say, neither of the two men spoke up. Donghyuck didn't want to talk with Mark either so he didn't feel that bothered by the silence that spread through the plane. Instead he just plugged his headphones in and listened to some music while working on his laptop. Out of the bag next to him he pulled a few snacks and then sat back to feel more comfortable.

Seeing as this was a very high class plane he soon discovered that his seat had a massage feature which he immediately used. He let out a content sigh as he felt the seat move against his back while he was reading through his business emails.

A smile spread on his face when he spotted Akira's name between all the others. Excitedly he clicked on the email and then a grin tugged at his lips when he read her nice words. Even though she just wished him a nice trip, it felt good to know that at least someone outside of his circle of friends was caring about him.

He gave her a short but nice reply, reminding her not to overwork herself and then kept on working. They had reached their flight altitude by now which made him feel much better since the airplane was steady and didn't really jerk like it did when they took off.

Time passed by in the brink of an eye and Donghyuck only realized this when he felt sweat drip down his forehead. It was pretty humid and hot in the airplane. He took off his suit jacket and went to the toilet to fulfill his needs and freshen up.

Once returned he looked around. It was only him and Mark left in the space. The stewardess was probably in the cockpit and Mark's security guard seemed to have resided to the back of the plane.

Speaking of Mark, Donghyuck gave the man a quick glance. Just like him, Mark was working on something. With his jaw clenched and his eyes focused on the screen before him, Donghyuck had to admit he looked good. Not that that would make Mark more likeable. Donghyuck gritted his teeth and scoffed quietly as he saw Mark's expensive wrist watch. It was the same one the man had been wearing at their first meeting.

"Is there a problem?" the man suddenly asked, looking up. Donghyuck immediately averted his gaze and stared down into his lap with embarrassment. He wouldn't have thought that Mark would've noticed him staring.

"No, sorry." Donghyuck said. He could hear Mark chuckle arrogantly which made him frown. It was almost as if Mark had asked intentionally to humiliate Donghyuck.

"Then quit looking at me and go back to work. Your company needs it." Mark told him. Donghyuck bit his lip, fuming at Mark's derisive and sneering tone. It was obvious he thought of himself and his company above Donghyuck's and the latter wasn't going to let this pass.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, now with a bit more courage and aggression. He looked up again at Mark who only shrugged and said in a provocative manner "I mean it seems like your father can't even do business trips anymore so it's better if you take over soon, huh? Even though I doubt your work as a CEO is any better than your father's."

"Just for your information, my father couldn't come because it's his wedding anniversary with my mother. Not that it would be any of your business. Also I'm quite confident in my work as the future CEO, thank you very much." Donghyuck bit back. While the last part was definitely a lie, Donghyuck didn't feel like he would be a good leader and heir to their company, he still felt the need to defend himself.

"Sure.." Mark just trailed off, back again with his derisive tone. Donghyuck wanted to reply, wanted to tell Mark how much of an asshole he was but he didn't. He remembered his father's words to be nice to Mark so he would have to try his best. However if Mark kept on going like this no promises could be made.

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